
I got the Netflix ending the first time, and I loved it.

I know that it’s a pretty important plot point in the books, but I barely remember it coming up in the show. The show could very easily just ignore it. the bald one in the Hawaiian shirt up front Hunter S. Thompson?

What day of the year does the purge take place on? Do they ever say? I wasn’t able to find anything from google.

I don’t know if she’s famous enough for it to count as a cameo, but Michaela Coel (the lead actress from Chewing Gum) is one of the rebels. She’s sitting at a computer terminal, and actually gets a line.

*warning. This got long.*

I’m pretty sure Grace left to do Spiderman 3.

I’ve read that this movie is a good example of marketing changing halfway through a film’s run, which makes it’s camp-ness all the more interesting. It was originally intended to be a serious adaption of the book. But then audiences kept laughing at it, so the studio put out new trailers and posters to pretend that it

I loved Agent of Asgard. I’m so sad that ended so soon.

I totally agree with you. But I have a quick nerd nitpick - Jonathan was only going to commit suicide ( makes no sense why he planned on doing it with that gun, other than to mislead the audience and pull a dramatic twist). The lunch lady was the one who planned on killing the other students.

There was foreshadowing, but it was really subtle. When we first meet her she’s kind of like Bojack (pretty lazy, just wants to lay around). But once Bojack’s mom moves in she starts getting more and more manic as the episodes go on. There’s also a scene where she’s obsessively stacking/arranging something (coins, I

Maggy specifically uses the phrase “the valonqar” when she tells Cersi who will kill her.

How is the quality now? I no longer live near a Wawa so it’s been a long time since I’ve eaten there. But the complaint I’ve heard from both real-life friends and a lot of Philly blogs is that there’s been a dramatic drop in quality in the last few years. (Basically, ever since they expanded into Florida and started

I think you’re right. I don’t think It’s explicitly given a gender, but It does have a bunch of eggs, so the kids assume It’s a she.

It’s not really a plot point (they never stop to have a conversation about it, which I really appreciated), it’s just implied by her trying to get Dr. Grant to warm up to the kids.

I’m confused by your comment. Can you explain what you mean?

This is exactly why I’m excited.

Oh wow. I completely forgot he was still alive.

In the show: no.

Please elaborate. Is that true?