
Can I say it? Can I say it? THIS IS A DISASTER!!!


I had a crush on Bones and even though the movie that shall not be named was horrible Karl Urban was fantastic as Bones.

WHAT NO! STAR TREK!!! STUPID HIPSTER KIDS!! Oh here comes the men in the white with the nice jackets that let me hugs myself. And arts and crafts time.

Did you see G.I Joe Renegade? That one was pretty good as well.

I based mine on childish wonder and glee. So seems fair.

Best article ever followed by the best comments ever. Oh oh can The troll he goes on Cobra's top secret blog and leaves negative messages and their commercial endevors.


Why would you want her in this movie? *angry face*

First Class is boring. I never finished it. I almost fell asleep during it and almost missed Hugh Jackman. It did not restore my faith in the franchise. This trailor made me squee which is becoming more rare in my old age. I fear I am becoming no longer geek nerd or sci fi junkie but old bitter hipster judgemental

What is up with Dr Who beating Star Trek is GeeseJuggler bribing you cus I can bribe you too. I have 195,196,197... Two dollars to divide amongst you if you all come to youe senses and vote for the show that gave us Worf, Q, the Borg and Saucer Seperation. Dr Who just makes you cry and afraid of statues. YEAH I SAID

Question: Does Q from TNG count because he "befriended" the Enterprise crew and those of Star Fleet and they got NOTHING for their trouble. Well Q got a few good laughs.

May the Maker forgive me for my choices. #StarTrek #Firefly #BuffytheVampireSlayer