
Can I have one?

Corey Vidal is a vlogger on youtube with an extreme love of star wars. And yes it was shot in his garage for like two bucks. Maybe I have a little more sympathy cus I know the crap he USED to come out with and how much hard work went into it.

Cold fusion bombs make ice. (Kahn was not that movies problem)

So I Am hearing stay home and listen to Sparks Nevada Marshall on Mars instead?

So who do you think wins.

JEEZ FREAKING LOUISE!! That is depressing. Can we do Batman vs. Iron MAn?

The problem is Star Trek is not a action movie. It was always been more character and story driven. The New Trek seems to try to gloss over whatever has been done in the past and just ram rod into a new universe without any groundwork. i would have preferred if they went back in time and started with another crew. I


The last episode of Roseanne she reveals that her sister is a lesbian and her two daughters married two brothers and she switched them in her stories.

There are three in life. The Wrathof Kahn, Transformers the animated movie and Muppets take Manhattan.

that movie is it!!

SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I SO HEART THIS MOVIE!! WHEN DID I START YELLING! Wait okay there is the correct volume. Awesome, cannot wait.

I was actually a little dissapointed by that bit of information.

Popular rumor but according to the commentary for the movie :Not true.

*cough* Star Trek 11 AirBender *cough*

I have the twentieth anniversary version with geek commentary and they KILLED this movie. I still love it with every ounce of my heart but man those nerds are mean to my movie.

I got thast one wrong too. I picked hydrogen cus I wanted us to all blow up I guess.

Hmm I wonder how a bunch of science fiction fans are going to do on a basic science quiz. I think we may be stacking the deck here. Oh 11 out of thirteen. Which is great for me cus once they started putting math in science I was done.

First of all I think we all agree that M.Night should really not be writing his own movies anymore or adapting movies anymore. Secondly, after his "work"on Airbender he is gets no benefit of the doubt. NONE. Third: Will Smith's character is dead and his son is using his voice as a coping mechanism until he gets

That my friend was awesome.