
They don’t care about voter opinions because they feel they don’t need to. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, and now Russian interference are shielding them from having to pretend to care.

It’s not about being consistent, it’s about eliminating your enemies.

Right?? I feel like he gets more Jesusy (and less likeable) each passing day.

I got carded at a casino when I was 40.  Yeah, it does make you feel good.

I am 43 and this weekend, I was carrying some storage bins through a store and a nice lady asked me if I was shopping for my dorm room. Not my child’s dorm room, MY dorm room. I know it makes me a #badfeminist to celebrate this but it made my whole week.

Your treatment has made me so angry. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You deserve justice, and I know you’ll ace the bar.

I can respect the hustle as well. If they couldn’t tell the difference between real teen writing and fake teen writing, then did it really matter if she was actually 32?

Wow. That was so bitter, vinegar just committed suicide.

I’ll just say it: Godzilla vs. Kong is dumb. As dumb or dumber than “Skull Island?” Maybe. Kong is hurt by bullets. Godzilla is an unkillable force of nature who just saunters off when his work is done. At best only Super Science (tm) can slow him down a bit.

A Kong vs. Godzilla movie would be about ten seconds long.

I have to say that after her whole response to the trans casting backlash, I couldn’t care less now.

It really is amazing how gamers simultaneously complain that no one takes gaming seriously as a hobby or as art but then also refuse to accept the responsibility and critique that comes with being taken seriously as a hobby or as art.

Exactly. “Scrub”, “n00b”, “git gud m8”, “tilted?” will all get under an opponent’s skin in a way directly related to their own performance. No slurs necessary. (Or simply put a spray down for their kill cam.) One of my all-time favorite bits of trash talk was former NHL’er Mike Rupp telling an opponent “You’re fuckin’

All I know is after I got into college I weened myself off of referring to stuff as “gay” when I really meant “lame” or “bad” (I grew up in the country, not to mention it was a different time). It’s not that hard if you really aren’t homophobic and it doesn’t have to be about language “tyrants”.

There aren’t even all

Because many never like to admit they were wrong about anything, ever. Everyone knows that we’ve all been wrong about things many, many times... but people’s pride really gets in the way of admitting it in the heat of the moment.

So, here’s the thing about using etymological evolution as a defense for present use of an offensive term:

Yes, all of the profane words in the English language at one point or another had a polite, socially acceptable use. Many of the offensive terms (though not all of them, obviously) did as well.

These terms came to

Thank you for posting this, gives a lot more context than most of this article. It’s a shame that Gamergate is so sadly loitering about, waiting to try and take credit for this sort of thing but wow, I’ve got to agree with ArenaNet on this one. That sort of childish rant is embarrassing, from both Price and Fries (who

This. Fries comment was also idiotic. The moment Price posted ANYTHING to social media she most certainly DID ask for feedback.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

I have always adored this game and loved its uniqueness. Thank you for writing such an in depth article on it.