
Hello? It’s me. I was wondering if after all these years...

Now, ungrey me.

I feel like it’s the opposite of weird for Vice to do something like this.

Yeah, so that’s not how it works.

Look, I’m not sayin’, yall...but just sayin’.

Can someone “go there” and ask her if she’s ever been assaulted? I want to see how she handles it.


STOP posting this racist shit, troll.

So, her history kind of confirms that this isn’t a YOLO thing.


“OMG, it’s funny and cute ‘cause she’s 86-years-old! Yas Queen!”

Speedy recovery, and hopefully he resigns to actually spend more time with his family.

Adam is such a geek. lol He’s trying smoldering, and it just feels like dress-up. Anyway, happy for the kids (who are older than I am).

Hannah, since no one at Jez has responded to my emails, can you ungrey me? Long time poster, but was accidentally banned for some reason.


Rebellions are built on hope...and a bad-ass jurisprudence.

I’ve tried going through the normal chances since earlier this month, and you totally ghosted me. What in the actually fuck? Anyway, I’ve taken the initiative since you all gave me absolutely no reply, and because you ungreyed me only to grey me the next.