
LILO AND STITCH. The best movie ever in history. Of ever.

Fuck yes. In all sorts of little, subtle ways. How about Lilo telling her dance instructor how Nani suggested she make a different kind of sandwich for the fish? She completely went along with the ritual to the point that she tried to help her find a solution. I know it's just a little detail, but I just fucking love

"She likes your butt and fancy hair, I know, I read her diary."

Lilo and Stitch will always be my absolute favourite Disney. Two POC sisters lead, with adorable real-life bodies (and not treated with a 'to be pitied' mentality - but treated beautifully), a realistic family - struggling to make ends meet, a voice cast brimming with POC, indigenous songs included in the soundtrack,

Between Derrick Coleman and Richard Sherman, I am a full fledged Seahawks fan now!

This is as okay as a kippah on a pig.

Is it really a sign of shame to want to shower and cleanse my genitals before receiving oral sex? Because I genuinely thought it considerate and hygienic. That said, I don't like oral sex anyway, so it's pretty irrelevant. I hate the pressure of being focused on and exhausting myself trying to force an orgasm while

If you've ever had the conversation about who your NPR crush is and your NPR nemesis, you're one of my people.

For the older kids, a chewable dramamine tucked into a starburst works well.

I'm going to use the comments for a brief and unapologetic fan letter. Deal with it.

This is kind of weird but I'll share it anyway. I've always been very open about my body and never really tried to hide it. Some people think that I might be a little too open about it but whatever, it's my body. Well, one time a website offered five figures for unaltered pictures of my body and then they made a post

Writers on website read writing on website. News at 10.

Well, well. That backfired, didn't it? With the exception of the pigeon and some mild fixings on the dresses, not much else happened.

Is there $10,000 up for grabs for the originals of these images, too????

I got to see a live "radio play" version of the movie a few years ago. He was one of two actors who actually came in costume. He humped a mini fridge on stage. It was the best day of my life.

If Lupita doesn't win, I am going to BREAK ALL THE THINGS.


Did you miss the part where most other countries pay for this through a social program so the actual businesses are not the ones having to subsidize the leave? It's not small businesses paying people not to work, it's the government paying. I realize you still are yelling about the government, but at least get the

Tell that to pretty much EVERY OTHER COUNTRY in the world that is doing this and doing just fine.