Heh Taylor does pretty well responding to Cleese.
Heh Taylor does pretty well responding to Cleese.
"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit
Don't worry, though, there's no such thing as rape culture, and women should feel totally flattered and not at all threatened when men hit on them.
What a tragic thing to have happened. I hope her family can mourn and find peace.
I just think it looks weird and distracting. Like, I would be watching it and thinking I was watching a bunch of my neighbors dressed up as these characters rather than the actual characters.
I was thinking the same thing. It's like a WASP convention up there, and why? There's really not a shortage of good, Jewish actors- or good Middle Eastern and black actors, either. I can understand wanting a big name or two to help carry the film, but when every single speaking part is going to some white actor, I…
I haven't read much of the words of God (we are not so close) but I am pretty sure many of the characters features in the stories are Jewish. Even the Mummy films had one Israeli dude in it. EVEN Mel Gibson hired the odd Jewish actor for his Jesus film. But it is funny when old timey testament stories are full of…
I mean, you can at least make a goddamn effort.
Uh, did I just see Sigourney Weaver in this?
Someone make Leviticus: The Movie. I want a movie all about the hazards of sitting on a chair that has previously been sat upon by a woman on her period.
@peasandrice - Everyone was in a hat from the start: tiny jaunty ones, seussy ones, giant fascinators, flat caps, witches' hats.
This is a wedding my parents went to, but it is hands down the most cringe-worthy wedding tale I know. My parents were invited to the wedding as friends of the groom's parents. The groom's family was pretty prominent in the local business community, so it was a big wedding - like at least 250+ people.
I thought for some reason that the word had something to do with having to shave one's hair all over - like "I had to defenestrate to join that swim team". Then I thought it might be a weird form of "deforestation", which on some people is the same thing. Then I looked it up and it means "to throw out the window"…