Because they have boobs? I mean they were modeled after German sex dolls.
Because they have boobs? I mean they were modeled after German sex dolls.
No, Sergeant over Detective. She was promoted after Cragen retired. She's the boss now.
Nope, second time was absolutely brutal but didn't get sexual. And I actually really appreciate the storyline as it didn't just drop after the attack, but went on to explore PTSD and how Benson is dealing as a survivor in her work.
No. Nothing Daniel Tosh has ever done is awesome. He is the worst.
I prefer A Blaffair to Rememblack.
Haha if you were scared <i>into</i> a home birth after seeing "The Business of Being Born" you obviously missed the last 20 minutes, in which the director had to have an emergency premature C-section and — the darndest thing— chose to do it in a hospital. Definitely added a bit of balance to the whole enterprise.
It's cuz everyone can pretty much understand lesbianism, even if they don't condone it b/c of bigotry or whatever. But two dudes? Come on. There needs to be a very good scientific reason for that b/c groooosssss.
No, in Nachlaot proper. I can't remember the names of streets anymore, which is frustrating because I can picture it clearly in my head.
There's actually a little shtetl-like enclave closer to Ussishkin that's straight-up Haredi, like a mini Mea-Shearim.
The Toast beat you to it:
They actually worked on a show together at Yale, Danai's play "Eclipsed" about women in Liberia. Lupita was an understudy.
We were in the same class at Yale and all of us are so incredibly excited for her. It's surreal and awesome to see Lupita everywhere. Another classmate went to a Knicks game with her last week, and their picture is suddenly in Star magazine, "Lupita's new romance?" Hilarious.
I could easily get used to the dressing thing if Thomas was doing it.
On the other hand, I love me a butch in a fedora. Right??
Drew answered my question! I'm famous!
Spring Awakening?
Rebel Wilson??
A couple of things:
The sum total of roles people of color were nominated for this year: two slaves and a pirate.
I got pregnant the first time when I was living abroad and was planning on coming back to the US for grad school. NOT planned, yeah. It was a pretty rigorous grad program and people told me I was nuts for trying to do it pregnant/with a newborn. I was going to defer my entrance for a year, but then we found out that…