
I was so caught up in the women of the show I don't think I fully realized how crappy ALL the male characters really are. No, wait, I kind of like Piper's brother. Although... he is pretty one-dimensional so far. That is interesting.

I usually get turned off pretty quickly when I feel there's pointless nudity, especially with women (even though as a queer woman I do appreciate the female form) but one thing I specifically remember thinking whenever I saw tits on this show it was just like... so what? It's a naked body, nothing to see, just passing

Hah. Why is it that out of all the gifs here this one is the sexiest to me...

My feelings for Snoop, Robyn or the song aside: I would totally watch this if this was a movie.

I'm really not articulate enough to adequately express myself but you are giving me some bad flashbacks to all the "oh yeah, i am sooo fucking cool with gay people as long as they're not too gay" conversations I've had. Doesn't mean you are like those people. Something you said might've just triggered me and I might

Okay so you're making way, way more sense than I am. Fair enough. I could blame my sleep deprivation at the time for my asshole rant but then again I am known to be an asshole from time to time and I do really feel what I said. Which sucks. But okay, now what? Obviously it's not cool so... I need to really think about

Oh wow that is terrible. Hmm. Yeah so I need to reevaluate some things... It'll probably take me a long time though. Damn it.

If a man did this to a woman I would be instantly outraged. Double standard? But what the fuck, people? The issue for me is safety. If a man did this to a woman chances are the woman will not be able to physically stop the man. But the other way around? While absolutely possible that this man does not want it (though

Yes on the weird Americans vs Brits thing. As a complete outsider I'm just sort of reading these comments in a very weird "my friends are fighting about something I don't really care much about but they're very passionate about it so I'll just stick around and hope nobody takes things too far cus I want us all to be

You say she creeps you out but that of course doesn't make her guilty. Fine. You have an emotional reaction to her face or whatever but you use reason to conclude that that reaction does not make her guilty. But it reveals a lot about her psyche?? That's a rather big leap, no? Was that a typo and you meant to say it

Ditto. I wasn't okay with the title, clicked on it anyway to see if it was some sort of joke. Nope. Didn't read the whole thing because it kinda grossed me out but was very relieved to at least see this comment up front. Yay for you. Yeesh, some times I feel stupid for expecting more from Jezebel. Thank pasta there

I like one and four the best. Though I must say you're working all of them pretty good!

Superlate reply but felt rude not to say: thanks! :)

I've found men gossip a lot. But I guess it's not gossip when men do it? I dunno, it's just weird that it's portrayed as such a silly/evil thing *women* do when I've experienced men doing the exact same thing and... it rarely gets called out as gossip. Or gets called anything really. What's up with that?

Goddamn beans!

Hah. Carry on.

Well at least your partner has a sense of humor. Keeper.

Lol. Hello, you and I think too much.

grunt of approval. i think i might've liked more girly things growing up if they weren't all so pink!

totally blew off an outside-of-work-thing with co-workers yesterday. last time i made up an excuse i was already meeting up with someone but this time i just straight-up said i would meet up and then... didn't. i have some anxiety issues plus i pretty much live by the whole "better to keep quiet and suspected a fool