Because Race Kart

Get rid of the engine manufacturers, namely Renault, Mercedes and Honda. They are the ones that pushed for the neutered V6s, and they will keep downsizing to justify their expenses. Making F1 "road-relevant". Will this happen though? Never. We will have 4-cylinder F1 cars in a few years.

I suppose it could be the dump truck model, the door hides the box.

It's being sold by a dealership, of course they are going to jack the price to a laughably high level.


Yugo Factory Worker, 1996

Everyone else is doing it, might as well do so also. I don't wanna be grey anymore. I really like Merkur XR4tis. Like, a lot.

RACING INCIDENT. I love F1 with all my heart, but everyday I'm hating these crybaby personalities more and more.

In 94 they butchered the corner with a chicane in response to Aytron's death, 03 and 06 there was no Belgian gran prix.

Hey look, it's the same color as my posting status...grey! Looks good though.

Porsche 968. Let's splice the 928 and 944 together, give it plenty of power, and gorgeous looks. Then, let's make only a few thousand and ensure the used market never drops to affordable prices. Dammit, now you've got me drooling over them again.

Testing. Author on oppo with an article that got front paged so you can trust me.

Dammit, the power of not putting a comma before his name...You guys got me.

Hey, see that dealership lot full of Lexuses and BMW over there? By the middle of next year, it will be a smoldering crater in the ground. Scorched earth. The Tesla Model X will mop the floor with other luxury cars like they're Baghdad and it's 2003 again, baby.

Renault Espace F1. Throw away everything you would use a minivan for, because good luck sitting your kids next to a screaming 19,000 RPM F1 V10. It literally makes no sense, and I'm madly in love with it.

You're right, we need to slap a few more sponsors on there though, cover up the whole visor.

Bastards, using his visor like a billboard!

Did they ever come up with an explanation on how to change tires during a pit? I imagine it would burn through tires fairly quickly.

Lambo, dude?

5.) Heated Seats

Damn, you were in Front Royal? I live 10 minutes outside that crap hole. Should have called upon me to visit.