An informal Oscar strategist named Peggy Siegal
An informal Oscar strategist named Peggy Siegal
As an online medium, that’s how you deal with this. Take note Gawker Media and GM writing staff, you do not defend the indefensible. *nods at Jordan Sargent*
that all of them are vapid, Snapchat-obsessed looneys who do nothing but scream and take selfies
“Thanks for mansplaining to me how to understand words”
On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, arguably the history of this country has been people standing together to vote for men, and a demonstrated, historically-based awareness of that can’t hurt.
It’s not the most original remark and I’m sure many people have said it before me, but Colbert is really, really good at this. He’s quick on his feet, completely relaxed and really enjoying himself and that helps his guests to relax and open up to him as well.
Rihanna might have a lot of talents, singing isn’t one of them. She’s ok as a singer, but that’s it. Leo on the other hand, now that’s an actor with more than just determination.
There are more than just a bunch of white twentysomething girls living in NYC, yet there is this show named ‘Girls’ that no one watches (according to the ratings). If a nobody like Dunham has the right to tell this story, so should a somebody like Scorsese, imo. If you had watched the first episode you’d know, that…
You like conspiracies, don’t you?
It’s a dumb argument that it has to be historically correct.
Even at a location and time, where 99,9 % of the population used to be white, you COULD include non-white characters. But that wasn’t the point Ejiofor made - he basically accuses every producer of a white cast project of racism, no matter what the circumstances. That is wrong, bc a less diverse cast can be…
My ‘avoidance’to answer your post stems from the fact, that we most likely live in different time zones (Europe vs USA) you idiot! I’m REALLY done with your sanctimonious ramblings. Bye Felicia!
Yeah, there are definitely not enough movies and shows about NYC or LA. lol
As far as I know, Outlander is based on books written by a white woman, so that’s that. Those who pay and get those projects green lit are overwhelmingly white. It’s understood that those who write the checks also make the rules, no? How about, if more POC sat down, wrote stories and get them done by putting their…
First of all, that’s what I’ve sair (reading comprehension!)
...and then there are those posts on jezebel, where they talk about the latest Poehler/Fey projects and commenters lose their collective shit and shriek ‘must see!’, proving how much they really care about racial diversity. As long as we focus on the ‘real’ racists in Hollywood, like this horrible Matt Damon guy...,…
Thats the way they would be interpreted by critics, as has been pointed out often enough in the past.
So, in a 99,9% white society of 18th century Scotland (Outlander), Scandinavia/England (Vikings) you’d have to cast non-white main characters (we don’t want them to be mere servants in those shows, do we?), otherwise you get called out for racism?
He is only half right. There are plenty of movies/shows, where a white cast is not a choice, but the only way to tell a believeable story. Take some period pieces for example (Vikings, Outlander), movies based on true events where the protagonists happened to be white, movies/shows located at places with an almost…