They both are.
They both are.
There’s only one way to stop a woman with spray cans - a guy pissing back.
But we should still go after anonymous tweeters who call none-celebrity women ‘fat’ and worse, bc that is much worse than defaming a celebrity as a ‘coke addict’? That doesn’t work. Online harassment and defamation are both punishable offenses. You can’t shrug off one while frothing at the mouth about the other.
I have not doubt about Woods doing blow, but so has half of Hollywood, I suppose. Calling someone a drug addict without backing up that claim is still defamatory. So yeah, no love for Woods but also not on the side of this anonymous chickenshit. Team no one.
OMG, that was the plot in white chicks. Black men disguised as white women! That’s not the case with Pedrad’s show. The way I understand it, she will play a boy, not a girl disguised as a boy.
A defamation lawsuit does not have the purpose of surpressing information, it’s intent is to set the record straight about a defamatory statement, punish the defamer and keep them from slander the plaintiff in the future. Woods is a racist right-wing as****e, but so is Paula Deen. Would you be ok with someone…
You’re really hung up on the age of the actor? OK, let’s say they could have casted a 18 yo male actor of middle eastern descent. Is he too among the privileged in the entertainment industry? If the part of a white woman would have been cast with a black man, you’d still be crying sexism, even though white women are…
By “oppressed groups”, you’re referring to women, In America, in the 21st century? Welp!
By that logic, all male characters in movies and tv shows should be played by women, bc men are still represented elsewhere, at least in your opinion, I suppose. That’s not the point though; if casting true to character is what should be done, then casting the opposite gender is always wrong, except when the gender…
I think of this more as another case of do as I say, don’t do as I do.
This wasn’t ‘knee buckling’, not even for women’s soccer. I doesn’t take Pele to realize that.
So, they couldn’t find an age appropriate male actor of middle eastern descent? That’s why they had to go with a woman? Really? Who believes that?
Knee buckling, really? Stopping a soft lob with your heel while the only defender (No. 20) nearby seems almost asleep and chipping the ball into the net? Wow, spectacular!
I agree, except for the male superhero part - how many short, doughy, balding, double-chinned male superheroes are there who don’t wear body hugging spandex. I mean even a ground breaking show like Jessica Jones had a hot looking male suphero (Luke Cage), albeit a hot looking black superhero for a change.
In return, I have to ask you, how many times have you been witness to the brainwashing of a future suicide bomber? I think we both know the answer, neither of us has ever witnessed anything like that firsthand. What I do know, since I live in Europe, is how many men and quite a few women abandon their safe and civic…
Thanks for explaining to me what I clearly have no concept of - I actually thought that pressuring someone to kill himself by reminding him to stay with the programme, to create a system of command and obey, reminding him not to put shame on his family by chickening out or simply threatening them with death should…