There's Hell Toupee

Quite a lot of Hillary supporters can’t wrap their heads around the fact, that an old white man from the Democratic party would try to stand between her and the presidency after 2008, when this young black guy dared to do the same. She saw herself as the anointed one back then and she still feels that America owes her

Men who have gone online supporting Bernie Sanders have been accused of sexism and labeled as ‘Berniebros’ bc they get in the way of breaking a glass ceiling (or something) and we know that’s all that elections are about.

When you’re Superman after winning games and a pouting I’ll-take-my-ball-and-go-home 6 yo after losing, this contrast in behavior will keep people criticizing him.

Where’s Superman, when you need him?

Irony is the SB halftime show with Bey, Bruno Mars and a montage of all the great SB halftime performers; Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, James Brown.... of the past, only to be interrupted by the boring music of Coldplay!

Can’t help you here, cuz I don’t do drama. Stop screaming, btw.

You’re welcome. I’m always trying to be of help to those who need it.

That’s not how comedy works. You don’t laugh, bc that person ‘deserves’ to be successful, but bc the joke is funny.

Femdom porn or Cirque du Soleil?

“Elise Chenier, a gender studies scholar...”

That’s the least of your problems.

That’s why you answered twice. Get your memes right, btw. You’re so....basic.

That’s all you got

US feminists in the 21st century - BY FAR the most opressed group in the world these days. Sucks to be you, huh?

In 2008 Sarah Palin was the only woman on a presidential ticket. I guess, by her own logic, Madeline Albright must have voted for McCain/Palin back then. Interesting!

Maybe she wants them dumb and dependant on her, so she can control ‘em? Acting like the self proclaimed ‘Boss Ass Bitch’ wouldn’t be that easy with a smart and successful guy by her side. Some people want a partner while others prefer someone to agree with them all the time.

“it’s that all women have been terrorized by men”

Pretty shady, accosting candidates and their families without ID’ing yourself as journalists - or at least as ‘online content generators’.

Right, that’s a weird thing to say. Sanders is 74, Rubio is 44. That’s a generalizing as it gets.

Curry is a shooter and not very tall. He’ll do fine without dunking. Drummond is a big guy. You can be big and a good FT shooter at the same time. He’ll be send to the FT line a lot and will hurt his team over time with a 35% FT shooting. His dunks will always look stylish though...