There's Hell Toupee

You stated that women support men more often than the other way around and that women foot the bill in at 70% of the time in restaurants. I called this as a feminist utopia bc it just hasn’t any basis in reality and makes me wonder where you might live and work. In your opinion women support men more often than the

That’s a feminist utopia you’re describing, certainly not a world where it’s (still) mostly up to men to ask women for a date and subsequently we are expected, to at least offer to foot the bill. If women actually had a higher average income than men, why crying about the gender pay gap then, since the pay gap shows

then turn around and give them the keys to their car, invite them to move in, give them a credit card, and they’re surprised one day when their car is gone, their credit card is maxed, and they’re alone

You’ve clicked on a link with a huge picture of a banana and the word ‘boner’ in the headline. I’d say it’s safe.

Priapism covered in amber, what a way to go!

I wasn’t surprised when Cubes...

If Bey sings live, this will be yet another example of her trying to do too much with her voice, sounding contrived and out of her depth. Bruno Mars on the other hand, now that guy can bring it live!

To all the idiots who firmly believe this guy gets ‘preferential treatment’ in prison - you couldn’t be more wrong. By trying to somehow hide his whereabouts and file from the public, they give him the only chance to survive and enable him to serve his time until he croaks in prison. Isn’t that what everybody in this

She had the nerve to blame not anyone, but specifically brown skinned people i.e. refugees. That’s not a ‘silly girl’ attitude.

Susan Sarandon - no, just no. There is an age for this and it has passed. Picture a 69 yo dude in skinny jeans and a muscle shirt. Eewww.

No, the victims deserve to know that he is in prison. They do not have the right to know where exactly, just like they don’t need to know about the prison’s menu plan for next week. There is no ‘putting on the big boy drawers’. If he isn’t kept away from gen pop, he will be killed bc he is a former cop, it’s as simple

The guy will be in prison for life (263 years), probably seperated from gen pop in total isolation. That’s not punishment enough for you? Next time you read about a cute blonde teacher committing statutory rape getting a slap on the wrist while you probably believe that to be *problematic* at best, you should rethink

The lady doth protest too much!

You’re right. The women who marry men for their money don’t see them as the trophy, the trophy is the money. That’s the difference, but equally cynical as seeing a person as some kind of prize.

based on my intellect/job/demanding personality

You do realize, that there could never be a reverse King Of Queens, with a hot dude and a conventionally less attractive woman, don’t you? Not because there couldn’t be such a combination in real life, but the sheer amount of fat jokes that the guy had to endure in KOQ would be unthinkable. Every other joke was about

I wonder what you would say, if a father told his son, “If you’re going to settle, at least settle with a beautiful girl so that you have a trophy to show for.” Pretty cynical, isn’t it?

I’d say, that happens the day after JLo or Madonna start dating guys their age, to cite just the most famous examples of famous women in showbiz who show the same traits as men. It’s a if rich/famous/attractive people have a penchant for mating with other rich/famous/ attractive people. It’s almost a miracle!

Men put a much bigger premium on a “pleasing disposition” in a mate as compared to women—according to Forbes

*If* the Republicans still control congress then. That’s a big if, considering that any Republican president (Trump, Cruz, Rubio etc) would be seen as an extremist. Here are the results of any midterm elections since Eisenhower, with regards to the win/loss for the president’s party. The party of the sitting president