Oh I definitly agree with that! That’s a good point. I know one great pediatrician, he’s got a seperate waiting room for these cases but I guess it’s not ideal.
Oh I definitly agree with that! That’s a good point. I know one great pediatrician, he’s got a seperate waiting room for these cases but I guess it’s not ideal.
Her issue is that a non-vaccinated child risks infecting people in her waiting room/office/etc that are not yet vaccinated/immune to the vaccination/medically unable to be vaccinated.
I don’t like that approach, though. No offense to your mom, but here is my reasoning (it’s from another comment I made on a post on Jezebel where a kid died because the parents went to a neuropath even though the child had meningitis, I think):
I did a little reading on this. It turns out that you don’t get the potentized powers of homeopathic medicine unless you’ve specifically diluted it for that purpose. So, putting on your homeopathic lab coat unleashes the magic. It won’t happen by accident. Thank god.
My mom is a pediatrician who owns her own practice, and she has a strict “no vaccines = not a patient anymore” rule.
Thank you for this.
Season generously with salt and pepper before cooking. Soud-vide about an hour at 130 degrees, followed by a quick sear on each side in a very hot pan with a little butter.
Season generously with salt and pepper before cooking. Soud-vide about an hour at 130 degrees, followed by a quick…
the difference is that most of the games in the article have specific modes designed for solo player.
If you look at eldritch horror/mage knight/robinon crusoe. you are not necessarily playing against each other,so it has more of a puzzle element.
Just go to boardgamegeek.com, head to the forums, there are TONS of groups meeting all over the country, I bet you can find one or at the least make one and get interest. I found one in Nebraska, and no one smells :).
I don’t play solo board games, but there are plenty of things I do solo.
That was my story for years. In the early 90'd I hooked up with a local group playing Empire In Arms because they needed a player for Turkey. This led to World In Flames, Enemy at the Gates, This Hallowed Ground....monster game after monster game.
Exactly. The real mystery to me is not that these games get played solo, its that people actually meet other people who are interested in playing them. I received tons of Avalon Hill games as a gift when I was a teen but never had anyone to play them with - until I got to college. In college there were plenty of guys…
Yeah, I don’t understand that either. Is shooting hoops by yourself depressing? Is playing guitar without a band depressing? Is cooking a nice meal for yourself depressing? Nope, nuh-uh, and not at all.
I say hell yeah. Candy Crush isn’t a multi player game and every third person on the train is playing it everyday. Ok, yes, a board game on a train would be sight to see. But you get the general idea. Analogue individual games are nerd cool too.
Hey, don’t disparage that book. When I was a broke ass young man living in a shitty apartment with naught but a half-height fridge/freezer, a toaster oven and a microwave to prepare and store my meals, a book just like that taught me the secrets of tacos, broth and countless other foods you’d never think you could…
I was an only child and my parents HATED playing board games and I love them. I occasionally tried to do one on my own. This post is giving me mild sadness flashbacks.
Many hobbies are things people usually do alone(model building, reading, art). Boardgaming is lucky enough to have human interaction most of the time, but why is the fact you can still do the thing you love, even if you have no one else to play with at the time, depressing?
My boardgame collection is extensive (1000-ish) and almost all of them can be played solo. I’m a big fan of solo gaming (either video or board) so I tend to chose titles that support that. I own all of the games from the article.
Forbidden Island is a good one as well. It’s technically a co-op game, but usually one person (and it’s often the Messenger) tells everyone else in the game what to do. So it’s easy enough to play it by yourself, and just tell yourself what to do. You’re playing against the island, which sinks based on where the…