
There's no blacklight in the regular edition (so far as I've found), but a special limited edition version with blacklight pages is coming out next year.

It's all good with Steven. His shouting is so infectiously funny, and being in French just makes it sound funnier.

Someone else who loves A Town Called Panic! This has made my day.

Dead-on. That they accepted Bojack into their lives just made it that much worse. At first I figured there would be some indication that they were getting tired of Bojack being around (similar to Diane overstaying her welcome when Wanda was around, albeit without the drunken slob part), but no! They genuinely seemed

I once attended a screening of this movie at the Castro Theater in SF. This was right around 2008/2009 when Prop 8 was making everyone miserable. The "Security" line brought the house down in a way I've rarely seen in a theater.

It's remarkable both how big and small the overlap can be. I'm involved fairly heavily in both fandoms, and tend to see plenty of Furries also do Brony activities, but going the other way (in the sense of someone starting solely as a Brony and then migrating out into Furry at large) isn't quite as common. A good chunk

As the guy who scanned all those in and made that imgur collection, I'm happy it's finally getting a little notice. Seems like there's never enough Hsu and Chan fans out there.