There’s a pretty famous bible named after him, what’d you expect?
There’s a pretty famous bible named after him, what’d you expect?
Is there a food I can eat that will bring the AVClub comments back?
Because when push comes to shove - who fucking cares? Are you putting looted groceries on the same level of importance as the loss of human life? Because that’s what you’re implying by saying that yes, of course he should have brought it up!
It does, because every second counts right now. Even if it’s just 3 minutes of listening, and then deciding not to do anything, it’s a distraction from the ACTUAL IMPORTANT WORK of saving people’s lives.
Sure, and all the people calling in to report people speeding through the streets, ignoring stop signs, jaywalking, smoking within 25 feet of a building entrance, etc. are extremely helpful during this natural disaster.
Ask your mom. She knows.