
I’ve never been to Tibet, so I can’t say that was my experience. I did have some pretty deep conversations about Buddhism, but that’s as close as it got.


Lots of guys. Yeah it's fucked up.

I’m so glad to have my impression of Tibetan men validated. I’ve met a quite few and they were all handsome, sweet, and smooth in a way that felt totally uncalculated.

*Sigh* I really want to believe it’s photoshop. :/

I’m all for flying into a good, old-fashioned feminist fury. But that looks pretty badly photoshopped to me. The “P” is crooked and the shadow stops right at it. Does not look legit.

Don’t do it. There are other women out there. If she is interested, she will likely find a way to ask you out. And if she’s not, you’re putting her in a very uncomfortable position. And you REALLY want to be friends? Like, really totally platonic friends? No romantic interest? Because that sounds kind of

Oh god so many feels. So many friends come and gone. Some forever.

All of Blue.

I want to like kale, but some things aren't meant to be.

It is the roughest of all roughage. I love most greens, but that one...nope.

I don't understand kale, but that's probably because it hates me and tries to escape my body as fast as possible. IT DOESN'T EVEN TASTE GOOD.

Acting isn't an easy job, but it's not like he's working at Walmart for minimum wage. Of course every job has issues, and of course no one likes being objectified. But let's have some perspective, mmkay? You still know nothing Jon Snow.

I am so glad I'm not the only one who goes for the "one perfect thing" look. I can either have hair or makeup totally on point, but it's a crapshoot which it's going to be.'m rarely on point with those. I strive for generally neat and tidy, hopefully not too frumpy.

I dream of that day. If I didn't love the city I'd live in, I'd leave the state in a heartbeat.


I'm so truly, completely, fucking sick of the myth of false equivalence. What is not to get here? Oral sex for women is not the same as oral sex for men. Most men will get off solely from penetrative sex. Most women will not. Therefore oral sex, (or some other form of stimulation) is necessary for most women to