
Clearly feminism is all about having choices.

Not stalking. Not exactly the healthiest behavior, but not stalking.

Crushes are normal. If you're finding the crush is providing things you don't get from your boyfriend any more, it's time to talk about it. As far as the crush's feelings, they're not your responsibility, and you have nothing to address unless he acts on them.

1. Start painting or some other creative activity. Or kickboxing. Or competitive kazoo playing. Or writing. Journals are great, as is emo overwrought poetry. Short stories about characters who have terrible and well deserved things happen to them are also quite good.

It means he doesn't want to have a committed, relationship. Just sex. And he thinks women are not capable of having a casual sexual relationship.

Yep. I just got a "based on your quiz you are outside of our size range." Thanks a lot guys. I've tried on approx 50 bras and I still can't get one that fits right. :(

Theoretically it's great. But realistically I've never once had a dude ask me to cuddle and not try to get some penis touching. I think it's nice the founder has ideas but people are skeevy as fuck and I doubt will respect boundaries. Also I don't want to fucking cuddle a stranger. Yes, I think we are a touch starved

It is exquisite. I love mid century modern and now I'm crying inside. I WANT.

You got dehydrated and sent to the hospital because you're clearly a dumbass who doesn't know when to say "Welp...I got stood up. Time to go. But say...I'm kind of thirsty. Maybe I should get something to drink." It's no one's fault but your own, cupcake.

How many men are verbally abused, threatened, stalked and fear for their physical safety when they say no? How many stories from women do you have to hear before you believe us when we say IT IS NOT SAFE TO SAY NO. Some men will be fine, but some won't and we don't know which ones will accept a no.

Some men are just really, really good at sex.

That moment was when I knew I truly loved Martha. See also: baking green brownies with Snoop.

Yes, I understood your point. It's the same reason women are controlled in everything. We're not supposed to have any agency over our body. Therefore we have arbitrary rules, such as long hair is not age appropriate because it signifies youth and sexuality. God forbid women be sexual in their own right, at an age

Meh. Fuck that. I'm in my 40s and I cut my hair short, because I love how I look with a pixie. But if I wanted long hair down to my ass I'd do it.

Yeah, that is a really hard one to get a grip on. I pretty much blame everything that's gone wrong in my life on being fat. It's a tough one to get over, because that's how everyone treats you.

I think the best thing to do is

Oh Lordy I have been there. I have been tempted so many times to write a Russian novel about who should and shouldn't contact me. An angry, frustrated, disappointed novel. But that's when I take a break. Because the idiots I want to avoid don't read profiles and the ones who might be a good match will say "oh hell no."

I don't care who the fuck you are, if you crash my wedding I'm going to be pissed off. Unless you're someone I'd actually like to invite, like Michael Palin or Judi Dench.

Yeah, we definitely don't have a problem with rape culture in this country. Nope. None at all. Nothing to see here.