
I couldn't get more than 30 minutes into it. Hated it.

I think the only appropriate response to that is "Hiya Sailor."

Not wanting to do something is absolutely a legitimate reason to not do something. Now you don't say "ugh no thanks I don't want to do it." Come up with a gracious reason. But getting dressed up, being part of a large group activity and taking on social obligations is not everyone's cup of tea. There is no obligation

I would just be pleasant and stick to small talk about TV shows, celebrities and work issues.

Yep. That's my M.O. I rock a very artistic vibe, but I always look extremely polished and put together.

I'm glad you reduced the entirety of this article down to what you find personally attractive. Truly well done. Bravo, sir.

I wash my hair about twice a week. It's naturally curly and colored, so it tends to be dry. I have a pixie cut, so when I want to refresh it, I spray it with water and style. When I had longer hair, I could never find a dry shampoo I liked. They all made my hair look very dull.

You can use whatever words you want. If you choose to act like a dick, that's your choice. Have at it. Best of luck and whatnot.

I've always had this issues with body shapers, probably because I'm short. So anything that shapes the waist is way too long on me, ends up rolling down, and digging in. Some are better than others, but Spanx is pretty bad. I prefer long line underwear shapers, that look like very high-waisted panties.

Ugh. Fuck Michelle Williams and her judgyspanx. Spanx are horrifically uncomfortable and just push stuff into different places. I don't need raw marks on my torso for days after I wear them, just so somebody isn't offended by a little jiggle. Bitch.

She said no. Move on. It's not complicated.

Yeah...that's so true.

For all the stupid, privileged, entitled bullshit that men pull, I sometimes feel really sorry for them. They're indoctrinated to never show weakness, never have feelings, and never need anyone. It's sad, and it's not serving anyone well. I'm watching a guy struggle with this in my acting class. He wants to make a

Oh hell yeah. Not gonna lie...if there were a secret camera in my house, there's a strong likelihood you'd catch me dancing to Pony. Hella fun and a great way to work out my abs and glutes. Get on it, indeed.

Yes, this 100%!

I never would have believed it unless I experienced it for myself. And then I went on an exhaustive, months-long research binge to try to understand what it was I was feeling, what was happening, and what I was doing. When I was a practicing Reiki-Master teacher, I always kept it very grounded and never made any kind

Hah! I question every aspect of it. I'm very skeptical. One of the reasons I dislike the new age community much is that if you question anything, you're not being supportive. I'm a huge believer in doing what works but there has to be some kind of grounding balance.

How does John Stamos just keep getting hotter? How is that even possible? At this rate, he's going to be so sexy at 70 he'll burn right through screens.

Oh god no...I'm not offended at all. I didn't think you said it was hooey. The "I don't care if you disagree" was directed at other people reading my comment. I really didn't make that Sorry!

I'm a Reiki Master and it's not complete hooey. Quite the opposite - energy work is very powerful and helps a lot of people (Note, I'm not going to debate that point. I don't care if you disagree. Disagree silently, please.) However, some of the most toxic people I've met are Reiki (and other new-age) practitioners.