Adam Sandler thinks he is our generation’s Mel Brooks. He is not. He misunderstood.
Adam Sandler thinks he is our generation’s Mel Brooks. He is not. He misunderstood.
Native American is not necessarily preferred over American Indian. Sandler is a racist dickbag, but not because he used American Indian.
American Indian is a valid term: there’s a lot of difference of opinion in Native communities over what different people prefer to be called. Some do prefer Native American or just Native, some are fine with American Indian, some prefer indigenous, some First Nations, many prefer their actual tribe name, etc. I mean,…
American Indian is an acceptable term. For example, the recently opened museum in DC showing native cultures is named the National Museum of the American Indian.
Obviously this judge is horrible. No questions there. But it does sound like the mother may be purposefully attempting to estrange the children from the father. Do you know anything about the facts? Do you think there is a legitimate issue here that another judge could have dealt with differently?
Misconception. They didn’t fly the flag for 150 years. They put the flag up during the height of the civil rights movement to send a message to the uppity niggers. The argument of “heritage not hate” is prevalent largely because so many people think the flag has been around for over a century when the truth is the…
While I’m annoyed at the 20 nay votes, I’m not surprised. However, it should be noted that the SC House is 2/3 Republican (with the Senate being roughly the same), so to get such a strong mandate from both houses of the legislature is pretty huge.
As a South Carolinian, it’s gratifying to see this measure pass so…
Here y’are. Poop names in red.
Honestly, it’s not. The man whose sperm created Chelsea doesn’t matter. She was raised by Bill and Hillary and is their daughter.
Just because a doctor focuses on your health needs instead of catering to your emotional baggage doesn’t mean that they have a terrible bedside manner.
It’s a two way street. You’re going there asking for their help. The LEAST you can do is make it as easy as possible for the person to help you.
See, this is why I’m not a doctor because it becomes really really difficult to let the insults slide and help people (for anything, let alone pregnancy) who are just rotten little ingrates.
When my baby began to die during my labor, within seven minutes of the fetal monitor indicating her distress, he had me stretched out on an operating table and delivered of a healthy newborn. Still, my friends kept talking about their beautiful experiences in birthing centers, in pools in their own living rooms, the…
I had a male obstetrician, but I chose him because he was old, not because he was a man. I figure, if the man had been delivering babies since the 1960s, he was probably good at it.
Injury. Surgery. Chronic unexplained pain. Pretty basic stuff.
Drugs tend to go in big, generational cycles. Cocaine use is on the decline here while it is on the rise in Europe, where opioid use is declining while opioid use climbs here. So none of this really surprises me.
Duh! Girls love horse(s).
Finally feminism did something right.
Come on dude. Everyone knows you use urine to mark your territory.