I definitely see the negative effects it has on advancement, but I also know all to well how tongues wag with people in the public eye. Have to figure out how to walk that tightrope somehow.
I definitely see the negative effects it has on advancement, but I also know all to well how tongues wag with people in the public eye. Have to figure out how to walk that tightrope somehow.
Here on the plantation we don’t have representation in Congress.
Sarcasm, you know of it? And yeah I don’t respect the Graham circus, so fuck them.
I have yet to see a bridal shower/party on the road or out in bars that doesn’t behave like the worst that humanity has to offer.
Apparently they’re doing it in Congress too. There at least it makes sense with the rumor mill that churns.
Well no. Sharia isn’t just a behavior or legal code, it’s an entire worldview that doesn’t actually work in the West, what with our crazy notions about free will, individual rights and such.
I think so, but my Furrner to Southern to English translator just blew a fuse.
Hands up who is most shocked by the guy’s name?
Graham himself lived by “The Billy Graham Rule” where he would not “meet, eat or travel” with a woman by himself,
You went to Twitter expecting maturity and wit? I think that is your own fault.
Fine by me, since bridal showers and their idiotic behavior in public is foul and disgusting. Shut it all down.
Given that rabbis are hired and fired in a similar fashion to Baptists, that seems like a really, really good way to get fired.
Huh. I know that Reform Jews have the highest rate of marriage “out” but since Reform doesn’t trace lineage via only the mother it seems a very odd statement.
Are you trolling me or just ignorant? Iran has oil, lots of it. They were a US ally before the revolution when Reza Pahlavi was Shah.
Well, it’s not like he’s wrong. Girl is clinging on to dear life at 14 minutes past the hour.
Orthodox, Conservative or Reform?
POTUS is cutting them no checks. You’re thinking of Congress.
Oh they’ll totally call you anti-Semitic. Actually they’ll double down, call you worse than Hitler.
You don’t have to be rich to be awful.