
Look this is Jez, I don’t take anything they have to say without a healthy scoop of salt and a giant slug of breakfast bourbon.

That pebble at least had a reason for existing.

It works for Jezebel’s height shaming writers too.

Do you think you’re a good actor?

Well sure she is. She’s doing a decent job as in V, lizard person and all.

OK let me expand on this: In therapy you’re supposed to work on what you want to work on, and the therapist is your guide and assistant. It’s not their job to offer advice, but to facilitate your own illumination. Advice is telling people what to do as you would.

I realized therapy as a professional wasn’t for me when I couldn’t imagine listening patiently to women of means whining bout stupid shit for 40 years. That and the people who couldn’t manage their fucking professional boundaries.

Doesn’t Wes Anderson just kill a lot of people? Is this something we should encourage?

They’re part of the problem, and they love it, like vultures. Which is why I’m trying to avoid all their articles on this and similar things. I may not always succeed, but I’ll try.

Well here’s the difference between therapy and advice: Advice, you don’t offer it as a therapist. That doesn’t mean that all those thoughts aren’t zooming around anyway.

He followed up with: “I’ve been trying to do that for years and I haven’t succeeded yet!”

Maybe they just like monetizing hatred?

I wish Gawker and Jezebel had the same sense.

Hillary, can you stop showing his face? Seriously, it’s like you’re trying to program us to remember him and not the victims.

I do understand but I also have lots of people in ID who have said that the Helms Act, although still in effect, isn’t having the chilling effect it had. Would it be better to repeal it? Of course, but even a loosening of the noose is nice.

It’s not policy any more.

The gag rule was lifted. This person lives with memories of another Democrat who didn’t do shit.

Uh no, that’s bullshit. The Gag rule was lifted quite a few years ago, by the curent president.

Or you know, you could just go rogue, set up a new organization and provide them anyway?

You honestly think you’re the first person to come to that conclusion?