It's my fault if that's what I I just supposed to pretend it doesn't happen in order not to be "racist"?
It's my fault if that's what I I just supposed to pretend it doesn't happen in order not to be "racist"?
She sounds Jewish to me. I've witnessed similar situations, and they're always Jews. Only they'd be cheap, vulgar and shameless enough to create a scene in a restaurant to avoid paying for a perfectly good meal. I can just imagine her nasally, Brooklyn screeching right now, "Oy vey, this is the woist meal O've ever…
Whenever I eat out, I always assume they're going to be screwing with my food. Anyone who's low enough to spit/piss/spunk into a customer's food because they "deserve" it is low enough to do it to people who don't deserve it, and they're the kind of person who'd get off on the idea of being tipped well for it…
No, we'd just take back what's rightfully ours. This is a white man's world. We don't need to outnumber you to defeat you, or have you forgotten that already?
It does't matter what you "want". This country is majority white, so naturally you'd expect most or all of the families to be white. That's the truth, and if it bothers you so much that you feel the need to point it out, then you are intolerant.
As I've said before, I'm working in the UK at the moment, and here a man over 21 can fuck a 16 and 17 year girl. It's legal, and normal. Not a big deal here. It's the same in Canada. We're not talking about third world countries. This obsession you have with "adults" - again, the whole point is that "adult" is…
I never once said I prefer to have sex with much younger women, I just wanted to know how you can decide what the "right" age is since it's something feminists get extremely self-righteous and hysterical about. You're doing it even now, saying that someone who is 17 can't say no to an adult, as if your opinion is…
Why would I fall apart? There'll be no more feminism in a third world country, and I welcome that. Letting this country fall to the third world is the only way to purge it, and then restore it back to the way it was supposed to be before entitled minorities tried to steal it.
Either that, or they can go live in a country where there aren't any heterosexual white men to "oppress" them. Both is fine by me.
I hope you enjoy it in a third world America.
Gays could avoid most of their "persecution" if they just stayed in the closet. It seems like most of them want to be victims. Everyone's a victim these days, it seems. It's pathetic.
I never said they treated them "poorly", just that they didn't tolerate nonsense from feminist extremists, which is a good thing. I agree with both Muslims and "extremist" Christians that women should be modest, that men should be the dominant ones in the relationship, and that we should be focused on traditional…
I never said they treated them "poorly", just that they didn't tolerate nonsense from feminist extremists, which is a good thing. I agree with both Muslims and "extremist" Christians that women should be modest, that men should be the dominate ones in the relationship, and that we should be focused on traditional…
Your remark was intolerant.
A lot of people have lost their livelihoods due to the bullying coming from gay rights extremists. The CEO of Mozilla being a recent example. So yes, I think it's clear who really is being oppressed here.
Oh cool, a bunch of people who nobody's heard of and who have achieved nothing.
Go to an Islamic country and say that.....
I'm not to keen on Islam, but one thing you have to respect about the Muslims is they don't play when it comes to toxic ideologies like feminism and gay rights extremism. I look forward to the authorities in Rabat putting this nonsense down.