Don’t spend over 100 bucks on running shoes, ESPECIALLY just starting out. My lord, way to discourage people. Ps, for some reason i run and walk on my outer
Don’t spend over 100 bucks on running shoes, ESPECIALLY just starting out. My lord, way to discourage people. Ps, for some reason i run and walk on my outer
That guy is such a twat.
What’s left out OF the piece
Lady Commentariat isn’t too quick, is she?
I think Olivia Jade was the one that posed for a pic as if she was a rower or something. She was one that knew
Nobody cares about your opinion of what they’re wearing though. Literally. No one. There’s not an adult in the world who is like “Gosh i hope jozee or some other stranger doesn’t think I’m a bum" when they slide on leggings. I really don't think it's a thought that even exist s.
Can sometime please explain to me the big deal about a butt outline? Like, are we all supposed to go around pretending we don't have ass cheeks? I can't wrap my brain around this stupidity. do you not see the outline of my breasts in most shirts? Is this another thing that we're supposed to just pretend nobody has?
I’ve not taken communion a thousand times and not once has anyone asked. Something fishy here.
I don’t use because I said so, I just make sure that my kids are intrinsically motivated to do this kind of thing, like teeth? That's all vanity for my kids.
There are some great think pieces about Scream. Horror movies make for great think pieces in general.
I just want to have sex in one of the little rooms.
Ya know how Anne Frank said that despite everything, she still believed people were generally good at their core? Me? Yeah, no.
They have, you were right, see Facebook. F**king Facebook needs to get on banning these aholez, like yesterday.
This is developmentally slow. Being somewhat soft to peer pressure is a psychological stepping stone that must be undetaken in order for the next stage of development to build on top of it. As the mother of a college student, I know exactly where your kid ends up next.
Anytime I hear of people in this day and age with multiple parentmommasDads, I’m completely flabbergasted. With hype & drama around multiple parent partners and all the birth control methods out there, I'm confused at how anyone can let themselves get into such a situation.
Requiring WRITERS to be in-office is SOOO 1990s. Ludicrous—ESPECIALLY for NYC based offices. I wrote for one of your competitors from 2006ish to 2013ish and set foot in their offices once or twice a year for training. My articles still Google better then yours in the same subject matter, but okeydokey.
I’ve found Cozi to be one of the best apps for families (calendar app that goes between Android and iPhones for those of us who are mixed families). I have Hue and Alexa and nest cameras and I do use iffft to do a lot of these things. But cozi didn't yet have ifft :(
I love your story and am sharing it with my 19 year old daughter!
I just want to have sex on it. Is it possible? (note: I have a willing partner)