
I’ve taken to calling this Mediocre White Guy syndrome. He’s been told all his life that his opinions and work are “GREAT!!!” simply cuz he’s white and male in the United States. He develops an outsized self identity based on that and goes around leaving his opinions everywhere with his inflated sense of self-worth

Why is this? Valentine's day or Prez day or something?

The best thing about skiing is that a burn so many calories that you can have two hot toddies that night and a bloody mary the next morning and *still* be even.

“women are responsible for men’s pleasure!”

Aww man, I was trying to get in before the “not all men” but here we are.

Stry seems to have a very limited view of history, even RECENT history. Yes, christisns murder other people outright. Turn on your damn tv. 

It’s bad. Bad bad. My thing about it is that I can control and curate but I'm STILL STILL STILL barraged with YOUR racist Uncle in the comments, or that one guy you met once at a baseball game arguing with you should a completely insane thing. You can NEVER her away from them. Never. And i hate them. Omg I hate them

Yes yes this! That's what I've been saying. This call for purity is silly at best. 

This. But not only this. sorry but if you lived your adolescence/ teenage years in Atlanta yeah you can pretty much say you’re from Atlanta. Obviously Atlanta is important to you at that point. obviously it’s part of your identity. I mean fu*k he’s been there for what? 10 to 20 years now? LOL I’m sorry , do I have to

It’s negative 5 here soo

No. Untrue. Half these churches sell tickets- the big ones. Barcelona, Rome. Even the Mormon one you can tour.

Nah. They sell tickets ffs.

I don’t understand this. Bodycon are the most comfortable- it’s spandex ffs- no waist to be too big for, no seams in crappy spots. It's like leggings but for your whole body. Wear the right size, people! 

Why are you grey? Great comment

Beena freelancer since 2006. Business exploded in the last recession, because we're cheaper than full time or part time labor. I hit 6 figures for the first time in 09. 

But she’s taking about action-oriented “doing” here, not actual internal empathy. Joining X club, leading Y group. This stuff is great for college admissions but shouldn’t be confused with altruism. This reminds me of that recent book about fake philanthropy.  

My empathetic kids have been empathetic for double the lifespan as yours. Here’s the end game: they get thousands of dollars of scholarships because scholarships love that shit (no, that’s not why they join and act empathetically, but I’m trying to clue you in to where this leads). Secondly, they get reputations as

Hmmm ... One wonders what other ways the public may lean on this employer. I mean, WHO WOULD WANT TO BE ALONE LOOKING AT HOUSES OR OFFICES WITH A RAPIST???

We need to know what the real estate company is. 

Who cares? Do people really have the right to expectation of privacy in a massive public venue? No, we don’t. We don’t have that right and we shouldn’t expect it. Not in a huge context like the fucking rose bowl.