Head-scratching Homer?
Not enough stars.
*several molars crack*
A lot of dumb people like to cite Sowell because he is a black conservative with a Harvard degree so he must be an expert, right? And for years, he used that intellectual cache to blatantly lie and misrepresent facts.
Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.
Just stop with the childish jokes and please use his full name of Penis Swett.
2019, am I right? It’s the year that’s felt like one giant “Lemon, it’s Wednesday.”
I see... A man following the Rick Santorum method of physical athleticism.
Pictured here, the cops going after white supremacists:
I think I’m speaking for all Philadelphians when I say the team’s lawsuit doesn’t hold wudder.
If you had a disease that killed over 33,000 people a year, the government would take active measures to address that.
That’s HEDLEY!
Spoiler alert: In an article about what happens in a movie, what happens in the movie will be discussed. If you do not wish to be exposed to what happens in the movie, do not read an article about what happens in the movie.
Maybe it goes great with huffing.
Another infuriating, stark reminder that abusers don’t fit any specific profile, they’re everywhere. Apologies for apparently being one of the few commenters who don't find this funny.
“The restaurant wants you to know that it’s doing right by its workers....It’s showing off, plain and simple.”
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
America doesn’t have a far left movement.