If your article contains the words “According to Reason Magazine...” Congratulations! You’re a fucking bonehead parroting libertarian talking points.
If your article contains the words “According to Reason Magazine...” Congratulations! You’re a fucking bonehead parroting libertarian talking points.
This article is gonna generate a lot of clicks in the Around the Web section of various other ad-riddled clickbait sites.
In this comment section: People who don't know anything about Cuban history.
Equating Castro and Hitler is disgusting
I just hope he's able to say his lines faster than Jimmy Taco...
So long as Matt Murdock is in the top 10
Roast Pork with Broccoli Rabe would’ve been better than “special sauce” whatever that is. Or took it out to the county and done a Zep flavor.
This joke is lot funnier than The Simpsons has been in the last 20 years. Low bar, I know.
Miller High Life and Amaretto. It’s called a Dr. Pepper. It’s amazing.
Goddammit. I never thought I’d ever have to say this.
I don’t agree. There is a difference between jokes about “white people” and trans people. Trans people are a heavily discriminated against group. It is a group of people in this country who commit suicide at an alarming rate, especially in places where their rights are more at risk.
If that’s your stance, we have nothing to talk about.
No one forces you except how much did you already pay for tickets? You wouldn’t think less of them for hugging neo nazis?
Why? It’s just music.
So you go to see a band play and Screwdriver is the surprise opener. You’re cool with that?
They have one fucking joke.
Lol what the fuck are you on about?
Looks like Christmas came early
They aren’t immoral they just aren’t funny. Why are MAGA losers so attached to lazy, unfunny jokes? Come up with some new material.
Fuck that all just sounds....awful. Will James Corden just please fuck off back to England?