
Yeah. Okay.

Tip the 20%. You’re not worried about the money just about your waiter hitting the “tip lottery”? $50 isn’t exactly winning the lottery. And maybe they’ll pay it forward.

Dear Salty,

It is obviously related to Baby Yoda...


Please Golet there be a Deadcast tomorrow

Stick to politics!!!

Why do I have a bad feeling about the rest of Giz Media? Like all the sites are about to get shut down any day now.

High expectations for a Philadelphia sports team? Nothing could possibly go wrong here!

My last name is Wallace and I think Irn Bru is delicious. That is all.

I'm still hoping that this movie is secretly an adaptation of Long Halloween. I know, Nolan just did the Two Face thing, but I would still love it.

My sister worked at an amusement park one summer during college. I promise you that she would not agree with your assessment of running the rollercoaster as one of the best minimum wage jobs.

Is it weird I read your comment in my head in Trump's voice? Am I sick?

Well he did say he wanted something spooky.

You included Frankenberry but not Count Chocula?? 

No, because Stalin is villianized (rightly) by society. These people wouldn’t be defending Bush even 5 years ago. 

So yeah, there’s not going to be an election next year. Not a fair one anyway.

She pretended she carried hot sauce in her purse. 

Leave Ellen alone. I, too, long for the day when hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians were being murdered because of a lie.

Hopefully his O-line protects him better then they did Falk last week or his spleen status might get downgraded to "exploded"