
Cushy jobs? Gimme a break. PA liquor store employees work extremely hard to provide excellent customer service to the public. Not to mention to keep your taxes low by making a ridiculous amount of money for the state. Funny you didn’t mention how those Republicans only support privatization because of the corporate mon

Most of the time when I make an over easy egg it ends up over medium. So this result shocks and disgusts me.

Let’s not kid ourselves. It will be a less overtly racist version of Donald Trump 

It is for sure about taste and smell for me. I do like ketchup, tomato-based sauces, tomato soup, etc. Weird, i know

Yes, that probably does explain it

Weird how two experiences can be so different. Out of curiousity what part of the country (or world) do you live in?

I’m the exact same way but about raw tomatoes. The sight, smell and taste of raw tomatoes makes me physically ill. I get bullied about it all the time. “You just haven’t had a good one.” Yes i have

I’m taking paid vacation right now. I’m not watching Netflix in my underwear though. I’m watching Netflix in pajama pants. You’re welcome, America.

It’s risking the imagination of a new kind of possibility! Stop shitting all over this great, imaginative (kind of) possibility!!!

Are we sure Howard Schultz isn’t Nathan Fielder? Has anybody seen them in the same room together? How can somebody genuinely be this completely incompetent?

Oh man, this is great. I love the internet.

Hey now. Don’t blame me for your immense misunderstanding about how the Estate Tax works. I know you’re embarrassed but it’s okay, this is Splinter, nobody was expecting you to be smart or thoughtful. Also, you’re never going to have millions of dollars so the Estate Tax is never going to effect you anyway.

You’re my hero.

Did you put more than $11 million in cans and bury it in your yard? Are you a complete idiot? And then your kids still get 11 mil. tax free. Seriously, are you a fucking idiot or just a troll?

Damn! I knew I was forgetting one. (Onion and Clickhole don’t count)

GMG Comment Sections, Ranked

At least he didn’t say MAGA

Quip is a weird name for a toothbrush Netflix 

Hey man, are you okay? Everything going all right with Mrs. Cream? And how’s Dick Jr? He’s in 1st grade now, right? They grow up so fast, haha. Seriously though, if you ever need to talk. The grays are here for you.