
The Commissioner can’t be thrilled with these:

Not a fan of John Scott the enforcer, but I absolutely love John Scott the human being. This was an incredible moment. He even earned the MVP! For the record, the NHL didn’t put him on the MVP ballot either. Fans wrote him in and he won anyway. Suck it, Bettman.

Bettman should thank whatever God he believes in that Scott didn’t club him over the head with the trophy and then run over his body with the car.

The most amazing British teeth in history.

So dreamy.

Any excuse to post a Bowie gif I will take.

Truth be told, I’m becoming more worried for the safety of the GF.

And honestly maybe the whole thing is a virgin suicide situation. Frenchie definitely ended things with a hair dryer in a bath tub after she failed out of beauty school. I mean that song is for sure her dying. Rizzo probably really was pregnant but didn’t have any access to a safe abortion option and died trying to

Hmmm I was just thinking of Bobby’s comment. I think now that Grease is just a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet. They’re from two different worlds and can never be together. So at the end, I think they kill themselves off screen. And the whole carnival is just those final few seconds of a fever dream they have as

Thank you for posting this. My kid is 5 and didn’t make it into preschool last year and everyone has been up my ass about it and insisting he’ll be behind when he starts kindergarten this year 😡.

I’d sue them based on all those fucking acronyms. Holy fuck.

I read somewhere that his wife complimented Angelina on a maternity dress she wore at a fancy thing & Angelina had it cleaned and passed it along to her (she was pregnant too) because it turns out Angie’s a pretty awesome girl. So if they're all buds, that makes me very happy and want to be invited to their Easter

I read that as “cheesezillas” and now I'm super disappointed.

So the Tea Partier got tea bagged?

He was a racist, I don’t doubt that.

I don’t belive that, but I do believe that this will be the biggest conspiracy of the 21st century. Namely some lab in asia will figure out a life extension that is both incredibly expensive and incredibly unethical (50kg of fetal stem cells required) and absolutely works. And we will all find out about it by a few

I had never heard this one before but now I fervently believe it and will pass it on to others as a fact. Thanks, new friend!

Heard this story verbatim from a college professor who worked closely with the Orioles during the time. Definitely believe it!

The power outage at Camden Yards that postponed a game was intentionally done in order to keep Cal Ripken’s streak alive after Cal refused to play the afternoon he accidentally walked in on Kevin Costner having sex with his wife.