
Hi! I just wanted to update you, I had to switch phones tonight, and when re-dowloading Clue, and importing my information from a backup I had saved in an email I noticed that there’s a brand new option - ‘Import from another app’ - you transfer your data to the Apple Health app, and from there, into Clue! (I

Came out my freshman year of college, pre-ordered and it was delivered the day my mother came to bring me home for summer break. I remember me being absolutely insistent that she not leave the house to come get me until it was delivered, so I could blast it in the car, all the way home....yeah she was thrilled hahahaha

I was going to ask who wanted to place money on the missing Patriots player being Rob Gronkowski, but after checking Google News, apparently he’s in California....

I can say that as a woman whose father has made multiple weird and blatantly sexual comments to me, it’s not normal - but it does happen. From comments about my appearance, to asking/wanting to talk about blowjobs, my sexual activities, whether or not I have enough “practice” to “satisfy” my future

Hmmmm....I don’t know. :/

I have used this app for almost three years now (started in August of 2013) and it is by far the best tracker app out there. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for one (or isn’t, and just happens to be talking about their period), the amount of people who I know that now use this is astonishing.

I have used this with two different boyfriends, and both just about died laughing. Neither of them had heard it before, and neither of them referred to it as anything else but that for the remainder of our time together.

That line is a keeper!

Ehhh I’m doing alright, but thank you! :)

“I don’t love you.”

When I flew a few years ago, TSA had a problem with the fact that I had longish hair on my license, but had since gotten my hair trimmed - “You don’t have long hair. The person in this picture does.” Yeah. Still me. It’s called a haircut.

I don’t know why I do this to myself....eighteen fucking “GRAPHIC” warnings, but still watched it. One pass-out and a cold glass of water later, here we are....

The panda? The panda is creepy, but that rapist really skeeves me out....

I should have listened. I’m sitting in class and almost lost my damn cookies. (I also think they now know I’m not paying attention, whoops.)

Sitting in a class right now (I’m a Librarian-In-Training, grad school woot woot) and legitimately angry about this (or at the very least, extremely disturbed). I love SNL, and have watched it religiously since 2007; don’t make me do this, people.

Oh please, no worries - it made me laugh!! :D

And yeah, this was just the final straw for a bit. A really great relationship I was in ended earlier this year (not badly - he moved for work, I’m in grad school - neither of us are in a good place to try long distance at the moment), but this experience was *exactly*

Hahahahaha riiiiiight (although he thinks it went perfectly fine and “can’t wait to see me again!!” - Oh boy).

I told him I had to go no fewer than eight times, and each time he responded with “No!!!! Stay for five more minutes, pleaseeeeeeee??”

I honestly think this was the push I needed to get out of the dating pool

This has nothing to do with anything but I need to tell SOMEONE - I just got back from a date where the guy had a panic attack when ordering dinner (granted I’ve had these too, but not over a ham and cheese!!), invited me back to his house, his father was there, his weird little dog stared at me, and the place smelled

Having gone through the same thing recently, I know exactly what you’re going through right now and just want to say that you got this - you’ll get through this. Sending positive thoughts your way :)