
Those fucking teachers are in a shit load of trouble.

Worst field trip, ever!

I admit, I am one of those weirdos that loves snowstorms.

This was my thought too. Sarah Palin has insisted that well trained gun owners should be able to have access to guns. But she can’t deny that her children had good training, and spent their lives hunting (or she would have to say that she was a bad gun owner). He was in the military and got even MORE training. And

at least the GOP is consistent.

Also one for REALLY MAKING SURE to not rush into any wars.


She sounds like she’s making a pretty solid argument for veterans to be denied access to guns.

With like, the added douchiness of “I just can’t remember those wacky brown-people names”.

Mispronouncing a person’s name is a classic power/ dickhead move. Jeb is so pathetic he has to insult kids. Go back to Florida you pathetic dipshit.

I’d be up for some headless Thompson gunner news, myself.

Why can’t we get news about werewolves instead of excitable boys?

Zevon fucking rules & he and Glenn Frey are jammin’ in Heaven right now.

It’s Warren Zevon. He was brilliant, and it’s a song criticizing the evils of the “boys will be boys” mentality, and it takes it to its logical conclusion.

His hair looked perfect.

Now playing

Whelp, this is the first time this year I’ve had to break this one out.

Sidesidenote: I had no idea he was still alive

Seriously. Ted Cruz and Chris Christie wouldn’t even show him their boobs.

“With some candidates, I could not even get on first base. The Trump campaign stepped up,” he says, adding: “It confirmed that he knows what he’s doing.”

"And, Joe, back over to you, as I am being dragged off to his lair, presumably to serve as his post-game snack."