
Finally it seems like he might actually be exiled. This has gone on too long. He needs to be done and we need to be done with him.

Eeeww. Allen is starting to look like Geoffrey Rush left in the dryer too long (from The King’s Speech).

Fuck these hypocrites like Scarlet Johansson or Kate Winslet (who really should know better...I expected more out of her) for even going along with it despite knowing for decades about his creepy-pedo ways.

Jenny McCarthy is a nutjob. I’m with them there. I’m just trying to figure out if it is worth it for me personally. Whenever I get it, I feel sick for a few days. And I seem to get the flu anyway. So I’m just seeing what happens if I don’t get it for a couple of years. I’m not against the vaccine. The rest of my

Also, fuck you.

Oh yeah, I’m such a loser for wanting to be able to take off work when I’m sick with the flu/bad cold without having to risk not being able to pay rent that month.

Yep, yep.

Sorry, I’m going to feed my kids first before I worry about passing the germs on 2nd hand to someone else’s elderly grandma. Blame the system, not me.

Pretty much. Unfortunately that is the reality of the situation when it comes to non-contract jobs in the US. The other worry is minimum-wage workers at places with shifting schedules like fast food or similar, they get sick and can’t make a shift, they may not be fired, but often they will lose hours when it comes to

Blame management/owners for not providing paid sick leave, it’s not reasonable to expect employees, who may very well not be able to afford to miss a day, for this idiotic situation.

Indeed. If you don’t get paid sick days, the appropriate solution is to go to work and cough all over management.

So it’s basically, “if I’m fucked, then you’re all going to be fucked with me”?

Was it the flu you got each time though? Other illnesses can cause flu like symptoms and some people think a simple couple days “bug” is the definitely is not (im not including your oct-jan example, that sounds like the flu). It could also be a different strain that you caught than what was accounted for

It is also like saying *cough cough* I can get fired in my job if I take a day or two off due to illness without enough notice because many jobs are dicks like that.
I know people locally that lost their jobs because they were sick enough to not work but not sick enough to go to the hospital (too expensive) and they

That’s like saying, “cough, cough, sorry but I need the money more than you need to not get the flu, cough, cough”.

It often also depends on whether one has paid sick leave.

It’s also unfortunate this isn’t always an option for people. Sick days are a luxury not everyone’s afforded.

Also depends on how much money/PTO you want to lose if you don’t get sick days. Cause the U.S. fucking sucks.

stay at home so you don’t give the unwelcome gift to any of your coworkers and friends.

So the defence’s entire argument is a giant conspiracy to prevent them accessing a secret witness?