
Racist pricks

What’s it like to not have a _single shred_ of common human decency, you Trumpanzee prick?

And they revel in it...

I could see certain arcs distilled into movie-length, but the whole series? Definitely Special Edition LOTR-length territory...

And don’t stop punching until the bastard stops moving...

Two words: Ronald Fucking Reagan (long may he rot).

Note that they haven’t pulled their ads from Fixed Noise in general, just Falafel Boy’s show.

He doesn’t have the warmth or depth to fit that description.

Just a picture?

...but enough about the state legislators and police dep’ts...

What are these from?

Nowhere near enough cholesterol afaiac..

1) Where did you hear that from?

If you don’t want to be raped, don’t wear a short skirt, amiritebro? /s

I’ll keep saying it: General Sherman was far too merciful.

I’ve said it before, and will keep saying it: General Sherman was far too merciful.

Not like it’s difficult to get a new job, amirite?

And it’s YUUUUUUGE!!!!

POTUS can’t make recess appointments if the Rethugs keep the Senate in pro forma sessions like they have in the past, and if you think they won’t, I have some land in Florida to sell to you...

Problem is that I’m pretty sure her contract doesn’t allow her to use those options without Sony or her rapist looking over her shoulder.