
This is why I call them “forced-birthers.”

Jerk could’ve used a banana in the tailpipe...

Go for it.

This, so much this. What passes for “left” in this country needs to understand that politics is no plonger played by Marquis of Queensbury rules (if it ever really was is another conversation), but is now a street fight and needs to start acting like it. Take off the kidgloves, put on the cestii, and _punch for the

Damn shame we can’t give the GOP the Frankin Hart treatment...

So you’re lying. Thanks for admitting it, wingnut.

I’d rather he plunged his face into a active fryolator for about 60 seconds, would be better for the country too, if not the world.

#notallMRAssholes, amirightbro?

Now I’m having the mental image of a collaboration with Kristian Narn aka DJ Hodor...

And the opposite also applies.

I love smoked pork...

That’s how all forced-birthers like Huckabee see women (and young girls) as, birth mothers as opposed to human beings deserving of bodily autonomy. Fuck him with an ebola-infested cestus...

You fucking pro-forced-birth idiot. Tax money has been unable to pay for abortion since the Hyde Amendment was passed.

Welcome to NRAmurka.

Good thing for her the guy didn’t have any money on him then.

Pity Bruce Lee can’t give Scottie a one inch punch...

Would love to Scottie win that contest...

“Moderate Rethuglicans”...that’s funny. As if such creatures even exist anymore.

Nor should they.

I’m 100% OK with anything that screws over NYPD (aka NYC’s biggest street gang).