
Don’t let the door hit you as you flounce away.

Say what you will about his politics, but Arnie knew how to lay some pipe back in the day...

Still can’t do single player without a constant internet connection?

“Future” rape victim? Wouldn’t be a bit surprised to learn that he’s racked up a fair to middling number already. Remember his Daddy’s relationship to the Aqua Buddha after all...

“You got your Deadspin in my Jezebel!”

If it’s wrong that I was rooting for JD’s plan to succeed, I don’t wanna be right...

Now playing

This comes to mind after reading both the story and your comment (SFW, but barely.)

It’s like the Republic of Gilead by way of Idiocracy...

That’s because they’re really not “pro-life,” they’re pro-FORCED-BIRTH.

AAAAAnd dismissed...BYE!

As the day sunk into evening and the sweltering heat abated, Pete pulled out his set of Monopoly cards to play together in the dining hut.

And that makes you part of the problem.

And that alone is why I will not pay to see this tripe.

What is their major malfunction?!?!

No sympathy for the Gaters whatsoever. Live by the sword, die by the sword, etc.

Hey Danny, you can pull back off Floyd’s jock now. And wipe your chin while you’re at it...

And once again, Android users get the shaft...

Piglets don’t like their pay, piglets can just find another job. It’s the ‘Murkkkin way, doncha know?

That’s why I refuse to use the false term “pro-life” when discussing them. The more accurate term is “forced-birther(s).”