
No sympathy for the Gaters whatsoever. Live by the sword, die by the sword, etc.

Hey Danny, you can pull back off Floyd’s jock now. And wipe your chin while you’re at it...

Piglets don’t like their pay, piglets can just find another job. It’s the ‘Murkkkin way, doncha know?

That’s why I refuse to use the false term “pro-life” when discussing them. The more accurate term is “forced-birther(s).”

As soon as I saw the word “statist,” you lost all credibility. Go cram your fedora where the Sun don’t shine...

Thank you for showing that you will put your blind faith in a fictional being above the direction of a trained medical professional. Your attitude would see a woman die so long as that zygote/embryo/fetus is forced to term, and that makes YOU the “anti-life” person. Enjoy the last word, I’m done with you,

Thank you for proving my point, and outing yourself as a forced-birther in the process. You have no business being in any aspect of the medical profession.

Since I haven’t seen it posted yet...

Great, another Christian whacko getting into the pharmacy field. Bet you just can’t wait to refuse to fill a scrip for birth control, can’t you?

And those are the type of d-bags who keep me from getting into _any_ MOBA

I’d only punch him if I were wearing cestii. No half measures, if you’re going to do it, make it count! ;-)

If they are silent, they are complicit.

This is not a compromise, it’s Dem “leadership” once again rolling over. And they wonder why they lost the last elections...

Then no bill. This is yet another complete capitulation by the Dem “leadership.”

After watching the whole thing, I have two thoughts...

Emotional blackmail like this hardens my resolve to not vote for her. Thank you.

As well as firmly in Israel’s back pocket. Three of the many reasons she won’t get my vote.

Good enough, my DDO buddies can go from there. Thank you.

Where is this?

Standard wingnut mindset. Call it lack of empathy, sociopathy, psychopathy, whatever, if it doesn’t directly affect the wingnut, they at best simply don’t care.