There Are Four Lights

James Marsters has been saying for years how shitty things were. He didn’t want to name names, but he said Whedon was fucking one of the girls while he was married (I suspect Allyson Hannigan), and basically gave him PTSD from filming the Buffy rape scene.

Doesn’t surprise me. I know there was some pretty shitty stuff that was rumored to have gone down on Buffy and Angel. Pretty shitty.

I think he’s a bad guy (real or an aspect of Wanda’s personality) in disguise. I kinda get the feeling that people hoping he’s the actual Quicksilver from the X-Men movies are gonna be disappointed. 

He should have called...

Ah, so it’s just io9 summarizing incorrectly. I appreciate the clarification!

Isn’t Kraven with Sony? Which means Sony would have to be the one to offer Keanu the job rather than Marvel, right?

The Shining is a great movie with a great cast, but it’s a horrible adaptation - starting with the casting.

I interpreted that look as, “Nurse? Why not doctor??

If Terry Silver isn’t some kind of elected official when we finally see him again, it will be an incredible miss.

If Scott Bakula doesn’t get a cameo in that, I’ll be upset.

Which is the best title in MCU history

I truly hate that movie, but I think it has to be done. Whether I like it or not it’s part of the story.

Yeah — the Star Trek remakes are good sci-fi movie of the week type movies, with good characters. Like the Star Wars prequels seen in an very favorable light that they never quite earned.

You must be new. The answer is “no, not by any reasonable definition.”

Yeah, there was a red and blue.  It was very, very loosley based on a “imaginary story” from an early 60s issue of Superman where kryptonite splits him into two, one with an all red suit and one with an all blue suit (still normal skin and hair tones though).  One of them ends up marrying Lois, and the other Lana.

Yes there was, and he was in a sense the same guy ... except ... not.

Yeah, at some point during this thing, Superman split into two separate beings - Superman Red and Superman Blue.  Then they eventually re-joined and turned back into the original Superman because... reasons.

At one point he got split into two, a red and a blue superman, harking back to a very old storyline where the same thing happened after being exposed to *insert color here* kryptonite.

It happens a lot

For real. We used to get articles that kicked off all-day back and forths about what criteria establish the conventional order of II-IV-VI-VIII (or II-VI-IV-VIII according to some people I guess), or whether or not we should upset that conventional wisdom, and I’d be up in here arguing that III and V are way better