There Are Four Lights

I can’t conceive of a reason for Q to come back based on what we’ve seen from this series, both in plot and tone, but I would really, really love it.

Look man, if you need all the dots connected for you, I dunno what to tell you other than that I get why you don’t like the show. It’s twenty years of history between getting 24 episodes a year for 7 years followed by four films. If you can’t fill in some of the blanks with your imagination based on what’s been shown,

For whatever bullshit kinja reason, it’s not letting me leave you a star, but this made me laugh.

I have a client in commercial real estate, and he said the same thing... he expects a huge downturn in the commercial real estate market (at least in the US) as companies realize how much money they could save without requiring everyone to come in.  It’s better for the environment as well, which is just gravy.

I think the important part is that Picard does keep trying to do the right thing even while the rest of the galaxy seems to be in a moral backslide. I think the show is ultimately meant to be about hope even in the face of great adversity/darkness.

I also interpreted the different synth looks/skin tones as differences between generations.  Soji and Dahj seem to be the most advanced, as they have proper flesh and blood.

I... don’t know if I want a Picard show with Picard but not Picard, i.e. android Picard as you suggest. That thought hadn’t even occurred to me, even though they did kinda hit us over the head with it, so that’s on me.

James, bud, that’s not the opening of the next episode of Walking Dead, that’s Michonne’s introduction way back in Season 3, which is why Laurie Holden—the long departed Andrea—is in it. If it’s not from AMC’s offical youtube, it’s probably bullshit. Be better, guys.

‘Raffi says “I love you.” What? When? Why?’

What if Alton Soong is Lore in a new body? He was deactivated and dismantled at the end of “Decent pt. II” in TNG, so his body would have presumably ended up with Agnes and Maddox as B-4's did. Lore being behind some of this would explain the evil vibes (and sort of TNG-era skin tone) from Sutra.

That’s how I read that scene as well.

Yeah, I read the scene completely differently than Zack. I think Seven was afraid to reconnect to the collective, but for a different reason than it being “the worst nightmare of her life”—she said it herself: she was worried she wouldn’t want to disconnect from the collective. That is far more interesting than the

I never did get around to seeing Moonrise Kingdom.  Looper was really good, but was Bruce good in it?  I’m really not sure.

When was the last time he tried?

I don’t really want more adventures with the old crew, but if the show gets another season, I would love to see more reunions. I’m especially curious about Beverly and what happened with her and Picard’s relationship.

In the same interview Bautista said he’s not interested in doing a TV series because of how long the makeup takes.  But I otherwise agree this is a prime candidate for Disney+.

He’s played by a different actor in Picard, so maybe it’s not the strict definition of a “familiar face,” but Dr. Bruce Maddox was the dude who argued that Data was Starfleet property so he could disassemble and analyze him in the season 2 episode “Measure of a Man.”

Also, “Cancel red alert!... it’s a burnt tomato.”

Well, the obvious candidate seems to be Ryan Choi, who becomes the Atom after Ray Palmer in the comic books and who was introduced in Crisis in December.

I feel like they were laying the groundwork to bring Ryan Choi in on the Flash to build him up as a hero before shipping him off to the Legends.