There Are Four Lights

I believed you were real.  If you lived in New Orleans, you’d be “average” and “functional”.

What online site do you book through? I’ve used fandango with sinemia (cardless) so far and I got hit with a two dollar service fee on top of subscription fee, and I had to be at the theater to get it to work—no dice on advance ticket.

I mean, I think things look bad for Nacho, and as you say, he could be dead or on his way to dead when Saul says that in Breaking Bad, but if you want to hold out hope for him, there’s your reason.  It could go either way.

Oh, good call. Thanks. I couldn’t find that clip anywhere. I realize now I could’ve just gone to Netflix, but still. I knew there was an Ignacio reference in that scene.

Sinemia is purely a cardless service now.  They now longer send out cards.  They do not make this easy to determine.  Also they charge me a convenience fee every time I use an online service to book my ticket, even though that’s not in any obvious terms of service, and also the only way the service works because it’s

Saul’s first word’s on Breaking Bad to Walt and Jesse in the desert are something to the effect of “Did Ignacio send you?” (remember, Walt and Jesse have him tied up with a gun to his head).  So there’s plenty of reason to believe Nacho makes it to at least BB season 2.

You’re just disbanding now? You guys were the only ones who would have me and I just got here awhile ago. Deadspin is a cold and indifferent commentariat, and I think io9 actively fucking hates me. Maybe I’m ready to embrace the void?

How do you not report on the overturned Fireball truck?

Thanks for ignoring us.

Am the only one who thinks the BBC is laying the groundwork to bring back Clarkson, May, and Hammond? Those three are only getting one more season of the Grand Tour, and BBC has been showing a new “best of” series featuring those three all week.

I dare not dream of re-imagined “Spirits of Vengeance” TV show featuring Coulson and Robbie Reyes.

What necessity? He’s not gonna be in Captain Marvel that much, and if he hasn’t already filmed his scenes (that movie comes out in ten months), he’s gonna pick him up during the break. He was always going to be in the next season, were there one. And there is.

Where has it been confirmed that Clark Gregg is leaving the show? I haven’t seen that anywhere, and he and May are clearly alive and well at the end (even if Coulson is still dying or whatever). I’m just surprised that everyone is so confident that ABC would renew this show without ensuring that its lead (who will be

I like the potential for it anyway. “Trying to save Coulson” sets horrible things in motion because he’s gonna get dusted regardless of whether they save his life when the could use the centipede to stop Talbot. Mack is missing in the “flashbacks” to the future we saw earlier in the season, too.

Didn’t Winston call and leave a voicemail for his dad at the end of Season 7? Did they address that call at all? I’m assuming he never called back, but it seems like the issue was never raised.

Who has midterms in the middle of January? That’s not an east- or west-coast school schedule.

I gotta disagree on Ferrell being the best celebrity death, but only because January Jones got to shoot Don Draper himself dead in the opening of Season 3 and best Mad Men nod to yet. His only line—“why?”—was hysterical.

I have a tough time believing that they’ll kill Coulson. Not that it wouldn’t be an interesting narrative move, and something a Whedon would do, but I just doubt the network would allow it. Maybe I’m cynical, but also, who doesn’t like Clark Gregg? His line reading of “That was pretty convincing, I believe him” was

I think I’m the only person on the planet who liked Angel season 4. Season 5 was unexpectedly great, but I feel like 4 gets shit on, which is a shame because the Angelus/Faith/Wes storyarc was great.

Textbook voir dire of an expert witness. We watched that scene in Constitutional Criminal Procedure.