If you have seen Battlefield: Earth, it is unlikely you will be able to enjoy anything again!
If you have seen Battlefield: Earth, it is unlikely you will be able to enjoy anything again!
If you have seen Battlefield: Earth, it is unlikely you will be able to enjoy anything again!
"Get over yourselves, rat brains!"
"Get over yourselves, rat brains!"
Xenu already had this movie made for his viewing pleasure. He transported that cast in space-planes to his space-studio on planet Topanga VI. It was shot in glorious 5-D. Torgo's deformed knees practically TOTTERED off the screen.
Xenu already had this movie made for his viewing pleasure. He transported that cast in space-planes to his space-studio on planet Topanga VI. It was shot in glorious 5-D. Torgo's deformed knees practically TOTTERED off the screen.
Fortunately for Xenu, Scientology really takes itself down.
Fortunately for Xenu, Scientology really takes itself down.
Don't bet on it.
Don't bet on it.
Now reading this sort of thing is the reason Xenu doesn't feel so bad about the torments he inflicts on you pathetic man-animals. Really, Teegeeack…
Now reading this sort of thing is the reason Xenu doesn't feel so bad about the torments he inflicts on you pathetic man-animals. Really, Teegeeack…
That…. that is not interesting. Now, if you were a class-B or higher sexbot, THEN it might be interesting.
That…. that is not interesting. Now, if you were a class-B or higher sexbot, THEN it might be interesting.
Oh, please. Wake me when you start doing something INTERESTING.
Oh, please. Wake me when you start doing something INTERESTING.
*bludgeons @avclub-0c5bbcfff0edb0dee7693ee7f8f09369:disqus with space-bowling pin*
*bludgeons @avclub-0c5bbcfff0edb0dee7693ee7f8f09369:disqus with space-bowling pin*