
“and Thea was never great to begin with”

D.C. stands for Damage Control.

Did you see Batman V Superman? It makes Ultron look like Citizen Kane. That said, studios don’t really care about reviews and fan reaction, they care about the greenbacks, and Marvel is outplaying them constantly. Civil War, I am excited for that movie. The Russo Brothers made a brilliant film in Winter Soldier, so I

They need a Kevin Feige, someone who understands who the characters are and can tell the director’s vision to go fuck itself when it deviates from that.

I applaud your bravery in saying you’re a fan of Man of Steel out loud. That took guts.

The other three biggest super heroes in the world are going to make Warner Bros. look very dumb, again.

The one thing I really loved about the Force Awakens was that everyone felt so human. They reacted to things like normal people would. They hugged, they got annoyed with each other (my favorite moment is when Rey is trying to get Finn to get the right tool for her), they got nervous, they did stupid little quirky

I’d be annoyed if Finn/Poe would happen. They are just friends. But then again, I don’t really care if Finn and Rey got together either.

Ugh You’re just some dumbass Marvel fanboy that clearly can’t understand just how smart the movie was. You see, Snyder went for a more cerebral look at the childish comic book movies that Marvel has been forcing on us. Clearly, we needed to see Batman’s origin again (but done properly this time!) and a double down on