
He hasn’t yet found a stallion capable of carrying his enormous.. piloting skills.

For being The Resistance’s top pilot, Poe sure does go through a lot of X-Wings.

Easily one of the best episodes of the entire show. Holy shit.


If it means stopping La La Land from getting the top prize... why not.

“Speaking with USA Today, Johnson once again confirmed that VIII will start the moment after The Force Awakens ends, the first Star Wars film to do that. ‘I don’t want to skip ahead two years,’ Johnson said. ‘I want to see the very next moment of what happens.’”

Umm because it’s actually kind of difficult to topple someone with greater height/reach/mass/muscle than yourself? If they punch a guy in the chest they’re aiming a little above his center of gravity and he might get knocked back, but he’s probably not going to fall over.

If there’s a version of Spider-Man who’s NOT quippy, I don’t wanna know about it.

There are actually people complaining about Spider-Man being quippy, and I’m not sure I want to live in this world anymore.

This movie is so close...

MIB 3 was a fine film, as was 21 Jump Street.

Here is an exclusive scene from the upcoming Spider-Man: Dawn of Violence, directed by Zack Snyder:


I can feel the nerd rage already.

Those hours of my life back?

Eh. Amazon’s are a warrior culture. I’m much more comfortable with Wondy being willing to kill than Supes doing it, or Bats using a gun.

We see Wonder Woman in a room fighting a group of soldiers, throwing a slow motion spin kick. She deflects a bullet off her forearms and it kills three soldiers in one shot.

It touted the huge success of Batman v Superman

Let’s be clear about this. Batman v Superman is a massive success.

I care about Steve, not just Cap.