If I had the money, I would be a total shopaholic.
If I had the money, I would be a total shopaholic.
I thought the same thing watching it as well. I would be walking hunched over for a week if I slept like that longer than an hour.
And sometimes a delicious freshly baked cookie is the exact thing a spouse who is having a bad day could use to cheer them up. Is that not love? Take gender out of the equation for a moment. My wife's having a terrible day. Everything that can go wrong, seems to be going wrong. I know she's upset. I get home an hour…
Gotta be honest. This seems a little overblown and when I've seen a couple people bellyaching over the fact this is a woman thing, I'm kinda glad to see the number of guys who stepped up and say, No, this exact thing has happened to me as well.
I've actually been told I would make a great husband someday. This occurred at my best friends kids 2nd birthday party when I was keeping on eye on him while they were getting everything setup. However, I have absolutely no interest in ever becoming a husband or father.
Hmm, sees nothing about if the voices in his head count as not being lonely. Wonders.
Kate Upton looks like such a cute little squirrel.
Okay, so where's the sexual meeting ground of 2013. I'm clueless.
For whatever reason, as I read your comment, I thought of this video.
100% agreement.
Man, I didn't even know back hair was a thing, I'm so glad I don't have any.
No. I just can't stand the way he acts most of the time. I've yet to see a movie with him in it where I think he's actually funny. Also, the whole incident that got him fired from MTV was just tasteless.
Is Hermes pronounced like "Earmees" or "Ermies" because they used an "an" before it. Just curious.
People still care what Russell Brand thinks?
It really was. At first when I saw the comment I was hoping people wouldn't mistake it for an actual thought and not get the intended sarcasm.
Another asshole getting foreign letter tattoos? News must be super slow today!
Because every looks like Kate Upton, Beyonce, or Jamie Chung. Right?
Wow, I've literally had this exact same experience only I wasn't 14 at the time and I'm a guy and it was a sold out showing. It's like part terror, part embarrassment, and part uncomfortableness that I didn't say something.