t h i sg u yr i g ht h e r e

A tale more interesting than Frozen itself!

hahah he says "fuck" a lot!

Haha I mean, I TRY to not see movies I think are gunna be bad. I gave AoE a shot it didn't deserve because that assassin bot looks cool lol.

That movie was the first movie I ever sat through and thought "Jesus Christ is this over yet?"

Anything over 0 minutes will be excessive.

You mentioned it already in this thread. WHAT ARE THEY PAYING YOU!? *slap*

[cringing intensifies]


God damnit. I'm never going to win this deadpool.

Lightning in a bottle for the first few seasons. Then it became something else yellow in a bottle.

achievement unlocked: participation trophy

The live action Scooby-Doo movies are pretty good, so I take umbrage with that slam.

There were more than two?

KIND OF autotuned? Thats an understatement.

The only one thats particularly effective to me is the body dragged through the school hallway one.

Doesn't the Instagram filter on these change (and in some cases maybe spoil) the aesthetic?

yeah, but… 69. *waggles eyebrows*

holy shiiit. yes.

They meet each other, finish each other sentences, get married.

He acted the shit out of that scene. Weaving out of the personalities, having the identity crisis…. amazing job.