This is unbelievably funny.
This is unbelievably funny.
HAHHAHAH that was perfect.
This is the Rush Limbaugh model, just run your stupid fat fucking mouth and then when somebody does something crazy as a result of it, blame it on the crazy.
I think the worst part about the whole thing is that they completely stopped making games for white males. You can hardly find a first-person-shooter anymore, they simply just don't make them. The world stands against the gamers, the game has become reality, - and still a girl doesn't want to kiss you.
one day some girl's brother or friend is going to create a very bad day for this douchebag.
I suspect Gawker might be getting a ton of migrant CNN commenters - world renowned for their concentrated stupidity, racism, and unparalleled desire to whine about balance and bias - as CNN has slammed the door shut on the bulk of commenting and a trolls gotta troll.
yeah, the internet is making ignoring things difficult.
When the oceans claim us all we will look back at this challenge and realize at long last we got what we deserved and that Mother Nature is not to be tempted into wrath.
this ice bucket challenge has really made me worry about humanity.
there were some firefighters electrocuted while doing some ice bucket shit too.
you can always tell the gay snakes from their unmistakable lisssssssp. They're not dangerous thought, just completely fabulous and harmless.
Absolutely the police have been doing their best after they killed a black kid to not escalate the situation and have shown a remarkable level of restraint. They've shown so much restraint in fact that the kid's parents don't know the name of their child's execu i mean accuser.
they have every authority and beyond that, an obligation.
i saw exact same.
of course the irony that is lost on you is that this kind of thing is what a federal government is for. Ya know, the thing the conspiracy theorists hate.
the insidiousness of "balance" has reached full steam. This is full on police state shit.
greatest trick the Reagan ever pulled was convincing poor working class whites that they were completely different from poor working class blacks
gun-stroking Repu I mean Libert I mean Independents are just fine with those savage black thugs having no expectation of civil liberties, though.
it's also a very good idea to bring German Shepherds to a racially sensitive volatile situation. Great Optics and great PR move when you want to show how level-headed your public servants are.
their "respect for life" is a marketing tool to mask their actual "desire for control". They are not "pro-life" they are "anti-choice", they live in fear of a truly free society. It is no small irony that the most rabid "small government" "freedom loving" Republican/Libertarian types are the ones who most cheerlead…