
Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

Great article and everything you said is true. I mean sure, Houston is looking pretty bad right now but Dallas looks downright abysmal. One can even pinpoint the Outlaws flaws and what they need to fix. (No teally good Tracer main on the roster and they need to learn to live without using the old Mercy as a crutch)

Burnout Paradise was well liked so I’m not sure what you’re going on about.

I was always extremely put off by the sexism of The Witcher series and by how people seem to be pretty cool with it. Maybe I misunderstand the game, because admittedly I haven’t played it for long, but it feels like Geralt is a creepy creep and there’s a collection of cheesy sex scenes which treat women as a prize.

Considering the best animated film of the year (A Silent Voice) wasn’t even nominated eh. Honestly it was weak year for western animation which sucks as the past few years have been great with a bunch of modern classics. I mean 2017 had both Moana and Zootopia and 2018 had... The Boss Baby...

Christ, I would hate to be with someone who demanded instant responses to texts.

I can understand time-sensitive texts, but my wife and I mostly call each other if we need an answer on something quickly. If we text each other, it’s largely information that can either wait, or that we aren’t expecting an immediate

My wife has asked me to do things when I was in the top 10, five, and even three once. No game is more important that that relationship so I always get it don. Granted she typically tells me to finish out the game before I help, but sometimes it’s something that needs done right away.

A compact phone from Sony that works on Verizon ?!? Finally, the perfect phone has arr...

So, the XZ2 has wireless charging but the XZ2 compact does not?

Kim “Geguri” Se-Yeon is the first female player signed to a team in Overwatch League. Shanghai Dragons has confirmed that they’ve signed along with three other Korean players: He “Sky” Junjian, Lee “Fearless” Eui-Seok, and Chon “Ado” Gi-Hyeon. Shanghai had a 0-10 record in Season 1, so the new talent should help.


This is really really cool.
I hope she becomes a star!
Also, the Dragons need her badly.

That’s one beautiful man.

Nice to hear of the changes, but man—I’ve lost all will to play anymore. A case of too little too late maybe?

Wait, you mean all the characters are supremely unlikeable (not in a charming way a la It’s Always Sunny) and get themselves into absurd situations by behaving in ways that rival Donald Trump’s irrationality and impulsivenss while making said POTUS look somewhat intelligent? Damn, I really thought I wanted to play

Huh, these things you hated were some of my favorite aspects. It’s almost as if our opinions are subjective...

Senior character artist here... You’re exactly right about what’s going on and why this looks the way it does.

No wins at all for Horizon Zero Dawn is messed up.

Show of hands, who wants the title image as actual minis?