
Affluent white GenXer here! I drink at home because I’m a cheap bastard and I don’t like dropping $10 on some froo-froo cocktail that I can mix at home. A $20 bottle of Tito’s and some assorted mixers will keep me happily glowing for a week! Plus there’s a lot less risk of a DUI “driving” upstairs to my bedroom after

I thought the same thing until about two weeks ago. I bought the God of War “package” Pro and I gotta say it really is a night-and-day difference. You don’t gotta believe me, but it’s a larger upgrade than you might think. Whether it’s worth $400 is a personal choice that every gamer needs to make on their own though.

I have a 65 inch 4K TV. My couch is 14 feet away from the screen. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was in fifth grad and I’m currently 52 years old. Text is easily readable.  

I’m a SF Shock fan; another “terrible” OWL team. The Dragons aren’t terrible - they just have a few players that aren’t hitting on all cylinders. Diya, Undead and MG are all pretty darn good players. Undead in particular is crazy good as a hitscan sniper.

I love my video games, but there is no game that is more important than my wife. I’m shocked and amazed that this is even a Thing. If I lose in a game, I respawn with another digit in the “lose” column, that doesn’t matter to anyone that matters. But screwing up a real-life relationship that I’ve invested literally

So, I’m watching Made in Abyss right now, up to episode 7 I believe. When does it start getting good? Or is this another case of “super popular anime that I just don’t get” that I can add to my stack?

I’m a little disappointed that the Tubbs fire that destroyed nearly 5000 homes is referred to as a “Wine Country” fire. I live in Santa Rosa and it is as suburban as any city that is 40 miles away from a major metropolitan area. It wasn’t “wine country” that burned, it was neighborhoods full of houses and businesses.

While this is a really cool product, it is only 2.1A per port. Home Depot has a slightly better product on sale right now for $18, that offers 3.1A per port “fast charging”. Of course, Gawker doesn’t get a commission form Home Depot...

While this is a really cool product, it is only 2.1A per port. Home Depot has a slightly better product on sale

It’s amusing to admit, but the “killer app” for VR is likely going to be silly, social experiences, not AAA style games. Take, for example, Werewolves Within. You can say that this sort of game doesn’t interest you, and probably be 100% truthful. To be honest, the description of the game is kind of lackluster. It

PC MasterRace reporting at it’s best.

I have a ton of 5km and 10km eggs; I wish I had more 2km eggs!

I’ve been told that the game will not track any distance traveled that exceeds 5MPH (12min/mile). If the 13-minute polling is correct, then if each snapshot results in more than a one-mile displacement, it wouldn’t count at all.


The app has to be open and running. Plus there is a “speed limit” of 5MPH, so driving, cycling, or even jogging at a moderate pace wont count towards hatching eggs.