
I like how not demeanjng the judge is to the defendant. She recognizes that the woman broke the law, but she never treated her poorly or disrespectfully.


I got the feeling the defendant was - very carefully - implying that it was the black inmates who got the shaft in this manner. Saying some girls got clothes and others didn’t, “I don’t know what their criteria was,” gently trailing off. My thought hearing that was, yep, she knows exactly what the criteria were.

TODAY’S SPECIAL is REAL!!!! (Canadian points if you know the show I’m referring to :-) )

Now playing

I hate to break it you but somebody’s worst nightmare has been realized. The mannequins are coming to life and are after our souls.

No one was better than Liz. No, Joey Jeremiah. Maybe Spike.

I think it’s time we shitty humans pack it up and give the planet back to the animals.

How does proving someone else is lying make one a bitch exactly?

Yes, let’s talk about what’s happening in the world but let’s also take a break from the terrible news as of late to enjoy petty Hollywood drama and also photos of kittens.

Also the victimhood angle is pretty silly given the fact she got rich putting out diss tracks about anyone and everyone who crossed her path, made no effort to hide who she was targeting and (I assume) never bothered to ask permission or give warnings. I like Tay but girlfriend, you got played at your own game here.

Oh for Pete’s sake. The victimhood is too much. Like... yes, there are absolutely dickheads on Twitter that are probably taking this way too far. But I would suspect most people have an attitude similar to mine, which is that I definitely do not HATE Taylor Swift, but I will laugh heartily at her getting outplayed at

He did send out tweets when she first denied it. My guess is the whole thing has probably bothered Kim more than him.

“Him wanting boob pics” is a simple lie, you twit. And I know you know it.

I...don’t get it. This smacks of authoritarian nonsense. can you explain why saying boobs and calling them comforting soft mounds is harmful? it’s silly and a trifle juvenile, but not worthy of such censure. boobs actually are comforting soft mounds, last time I checked.

but did he ask for boob pics? I mean, just typing “boobs” is not saying hey show me yours. I get where you are coming from, but I find it a stretch to say misogyny or sexism here. people are sexual beings. even if he was starting a conversation about sex, it doesn’t seem to me that he was forcing it on anyone or

A little context: at the time I was the late-night mod on GT and would set up midnight OTs so people could shoot the breeze about everything, just places to talk.

did he request pics of boobs?

Why are you attacking Chritter for saying boobs? For real? I don’t see anything wrong with that...It seems really sex negative to take that as an offensive or patriarchal response. I am fairly certain lots of women and differently gender-ed people like boobs, and probably don’t mind discussing them from time to time.

I woke up and read this story on CNN. It left me teary and angry. A young woman with opinions murdered by her own brother just for being a young woman with opinions. The waste, the loss... it’s hard to process. How does a society hope to thrive if it threatens half its members with murderous violence for the crime of